A little humor to bring the day to a close on the path least traveleld…

Dear Diary Page 24…

Hello Diary,

Work is done, getting ready for sup soon and bring the day to a close.. taking a break and browsing the news on the internet and in relation to the Pope, news about religion caught my attention, mainly those individuals who may be considered extremists…those who demand that their rights and beliefs be observed and honored but care little about anyone else’s rights and beliefs..not going to dwell on it but wish to point out that people of that nature will usually draw some humor sent in their direction and I cannot think of anyone better at it than Ray Stevens…. 😀

And while on the subject of Ray Stevens, seen all the adds, etc about the Super Hero’s, Superman, Batman, etc but as far as Ray Stevens is concerned, there is no one as bad as this dude… 😀

Thought I would bring this day to a close with some humor…. So until next time on the path least traveled..

Multi-Tasking on a path least traveled…..

Dear Diary Page 23…

Hello Diary,

Up early and multi-tasking… a cool, windy, cloudy day today, so other than read the weather instruments, indoors for “maintenance Wednesday”… taking a break for the moment, so decided to pop in briefly and leave a note…

Here I am at 5 AM in the morning (while most people are snug in their beds with visions of sugar plums and winning the lottery dancing through their minds) starting the wash..
washing clothes

While doing the weather…

(think I will leave these alone today… 😀 )

Never could figure out how to get a fitted sheet folded properly but as long as can get it in the clothes closet and on the shelf, we’re good.. 😀
formed sheet

And what was my supervisor/assistant/guard dog/mans-best-friend doing in all of this, you ask?
Bree asleep

All this work reminds me of a poem I found on the internet one day;

Dust if you must, but wouldn’t it be better
to paint a picture, or write a letter,
bake a cake, or plant a seed.
Ponder the difference between want and need.

Dust if you must, but there is not much time,
with rivers to swim and mountains to climb!
Music to hear, and books to read,
friends to cherish and life to lead.

Dust if you must, but the world’s out there
with the sun in your eyes, the wind in your hair,
a flutter of snow, a shower of rain,
this day will not come round again.

Dust if you must, but bear in mind,
old age will come and it’s not kind.
And when you go, and go you must,
you, yourself, will make more dust!

~ Author Unknown ~

While sorting through some things yesterday, ran across some old cigarette lighters.. Brought back some memories of history’s past of when I smoked, quit cold turkey in 1985…. I can related to those that smoke and try to quit smoking and it brought to mind a song that was popular years back when I was young (Yes, Diary, I know you find it hard to believe but I was young once. :D)..

So will close with that and continue on with another day on the path least traveled…

Cancer and a time to say goodbye on the path least traveled….

Dear Diary Page 22…

Hello Diary,

It has been a cloudy, drizzly day today so stayed indoors and had “Techno Tuesday” and did maintenance on equipment, made changes where necessary, etc…also did a bit of moving things around in the house, preparing for the winter doldrums… 😀

While doing that, came across the myriads of paperwork concerning my wife’s ordeal with cancer and going through all of that will be one of this winters projects… and it also gave me pause for thought about cancer and young families that may have to witness it… my heart does go out to them…. when a someone is diagnosed with cancer, not only does it chat that individuals life but the life of those close to that individual..to have a family with young children, parents working to make ends meet, would be devastating… I was fortunate in that I had only me to deal with and retired…a good deal of sympathy goes out to the individual that has the cancer, and rightfully so, but cannot forget the family because they will suffer also, there lives will change, sacrifices made, knowing all they can to, like me, was give support, be doctor, nurse, cook, jack-of-all trades, hold the hand, shed a few tears and wait for the inevitable, the time to say goodbye…

The White House science team is having a discussion and webcast about citizens helping with research… I had a organization I assist request that I send a letter (internet) to the White House sharing my experience… which I did, the contents to follow:
“Dear Mr. President,

I became a member of the Boinc Project (University of Berkeley, Calif.) in and, like many around the world, help organizations do research in many areas by allowing them to use my computer to download on my computer, process and upload data back to them, allowing them more research capabilities… there are a number of worth while projects, some of which I participated in until 2010 when I decided to concentrate on organizations that were doing work related to cancer… one of those organizations was World Community Grid…

I volunteer as much computer time as possible in hopes that it will speed up the research for cancer… my wife passed away in March of this year, 2015, after being diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung cancer in August of 2012 …. so between helping her battle cancer, and those of others I have witnessed over the course of time, I put as much effort into helping fight cancer as I can…

It is too late to help my wife and I may never live to see it, but hopefully one day, with my meager attempt to help, along with many others world wide, dealing with cancer will be no more serious than dealing with a common cold…. I am sure that the BOINC Project with all its organizations will one day succeed!!..


Larry Woller
Ogden, Illinois 61859 USA

“If there is any kindness I can show, or any good I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again”..William Penn.
Retired, Independent, not into religion…
Veteran, SGT, USMC (Vietnam, in country 1965-66, 12th Marine Regiment).
COOP/SWOP Observer (since 2001 to present), NWS, ILX, NOAA, Dept. of Commerce, USA
Met Weather Office, United Kingdom.
Member National Preparedness Coalition (Dept of Homeland Security/FEMA).
Member (since 2005 to present) BOINC Project (University of Berkeley, Calif.); Princess Margaret Cancer Center/World Community Grid, SIMAP (Biology Universities of Munich and Vienna), POEM@Home (Biology and Medicine, University of Karlsruhe, Germany/protein research), Docking (Scripps Institute/University of Delaware).”

Perhaps with my help and many others, one day in the future, children will not have to say goodbye too soon because of cancer, one can always hope as hope is the last to die… 😀

Maintenance Wednesday tomorrow (refuse out, run the vac, laundry, etc.) as time marches on, on the path least traveled….

(Taken in 1964)
pic of kathy and i

Some thoughts about fate and destiny on the path least traveled….

Dear Diary Page 21…

Hello Diary,

Setting here waiting for the fog to burn off some before venturing to town, planning for the coming week… it is near October now, leaves are falling, time marches on and will soon bring the year to an end, and part of history’s past to a close, to become memories… will be venturing on down the path least traveled, eyes to the horizon (while smelling the flowers and living life along the way… :D)….. see blue skies but also a few dark clouds while wondering what, and possibly who, lies ahead…. I thought of my poem and a couple of songs to go with the present train of thought… I know you have seen the poem before, Diary, but will post it again….

Sooooooooooooo, HI HO HI HO it’s on down the path we go, leaving no stone unturned…. 😀

Tell me , Fate
You hold the key,
What is my destiny
Suppose to be?

I was not a king or president,
No powers did I hold,
I wasn’t a preacher or a pope,
No sermon for the fold.

Never learned to speak fine words
A country bumkin’ was I.
Were taught never to tell a falsehood
Learned never to tell a lie.

So tell me , Fate
You hold the key,
What is my destiny
Suppose to be?

Can no longer build cities
The back is tired and sore,
Turned the green earth into a parking lot once
A forest….. into a general store,

I was a soldier once
No longer have the heart for war, they say
Children’s cry of suffering, I heard
A memory still here today.

So tell me, Fate
You hold the key,
What is my destiny
Suppose to be?

I’ve tilled the soil as a farmer
Fed the world is what they say,
But I see the faces of hunger
Still this very day.

I’ve donated love, time and money
Ask for nothing in return,
But I see nothing has changed today
Will they ever learn?

I’ve tilled the fields and went to war
Helped build cities, towns and much more,
Sowed fields of flowers with tenderness an love
Has my destiny run it’s course, is there any more?

So tell me, Fate
You hold the key,
What is my destiny suppose to be?
(Penned by the hand of Larry “Dutch” Woller 8-18-2008)

Que Sera???

Or maybe the answer is blowing in the wind…

Food, music, poetry and a taste of love on the path least traveled…

Dear Diary Page 20…

Hello Diary,

Taking a brief break and reminiscing about the yesterdays and contemplating the tomorrows and what they may bring… a bit gloomy outdoors but cheery indoors (how you think, so you shall be, 😀 ) and preparing for another busy week as one day Jack Frost will put in an appearance…put some items in the freezer for the winter doldrums to come…

Made some homemade Italian beef, takes about five days (three days marinate and about 16 hours in a slow cooker, NOT a crock pot) to do it right..

italian beef

For today, Sunday’s supper opted for broiled porkchops (the key to good porkchops is poultry seasoning and garlic)….

pork chops

Add scalloped potatoes, sweet corn, salad and cheesy/garlic bagel garnished with bacon.. I am cheating today, potatoes out of a box, didn’t feel like peeling… :D…

potatoes, corn, etc

And back to the weekend love theme, will include a poem called “Portrait of a Friend”

“Portrait of a Friend”

I can’t give solutions to all of life’s problems, doubts,
or fears. But I can listen to you, and together we will
search for answers.

I can’t change your past with all it’s heartache and pain,
nor the future with its untold stories.
But I can be there now when you need me to care.

I can’t keep your feet from stumbling.
I can only offer my hand that you may grasp it and not fall.

Your joys, triumphs, successes, and happiness are not mine;
Yet I can share in your laughter.

Your decisions in life are not mine to make, nor to judge;
I can only support you, encourage you,
and help you when you ask.

I can’t prevent you from falling away from friendship,
from your values, from me.
I can only think of you, talk to you and wait for you.

I can’t give you boundaries which I have determined for you,
But I can give you the room to change, room to grow,
room to be yourself.

I can’t keep your heart from breaking and hurting,
But I can cry with you and help you pick up the pieces
and put them back in place.

I can’t tell you who you are or who you will be
I can only love you and be your friend
Adam Clarke

and if I were able to sing and tell someone what they meant to me, believe the song by Secret Garden says it best….

Well, best get on down the path least traveled…..time marches on and waits for no one and destiny is waiting at the end of the path, wherever that is and whenever I get there… 😀

Preparing for winter, some blue sky, with a bit of love and music on the path least traveled…..

Dear Diary Page 19…

Hello Diary,

Taking a short break from the days activities, contemplating past, present, fate and the Pope in country spreading love, understanding and tolerance setting the theme for the day… :D.. While deadheading (cutting off old blooms) some of the plants and preparing them for winter,

And pulling spent veggies and annual plants,
gage and flow

The flowers reminded me of a poem I wrote in keeping with theme of the day, Love.. 😀

A bouquet of flowers from my garden,
Their beauty need not be told,
Their fragrance is soothing and lovely
A pleasant scent for one to behold.

They remind me of you, my love
Whose beauty from within you do share,
Sharing sunshine, understanding and laughter
Sowing the seeds of love and happiness in the air.

This bouquet was picked for you, my love
For coming into my world, my dear friend,
For giving sunshine, laughter, love and happiness
For which I know will never end.
(Penned by Larry “Dutch” Woller May 5, 2008)

As I was browsing around the yard looked up at the sky on this lovely day and saw clouds plus the Contrails (clouds formed by jet exhaust with proper dewpoints in the atmosphere) of humans in their flying machines in search of their destinies…
a beautiful day which reminded me of a song…

While I were searching for the above poem, I came across another that I wrote that I had entered in a contest on the internet, didn’t win anything.. I tried to write it with the mood of A Rhapsody on a theme of Paganini…The words “And I Love You So” when Maxsim begins the song and throughout the song….

I Love You So…

And I love you so
At OUR special time,
More than words can say
In this little ole rhyme.

A love that grows stronger
With every beat of the heart!
Two hearts that beat as one
Inseparable, never to part!!

With every breath, every word
A true love spoken by WE,
A right and wonderful love, treasured
By YOU, my love, and by ME!!!

This rhyme is without end, my darling
Because so is OUR love, you see,
And I love YOU So
As I KNOW, YOU love me!!!
(penned by Larry “Dutch” Woller, 1-1-09)

With that being said, will close and get ready to continue on down the path least traveled, destiny and fate awaiting me in the far distance, they say they can be fickle so best not keep them waiting… 😀

Hang on to the old or grab hold the new, decisions on the path least traveled…

Dear Diary Page 18…

Hello Diary,

A long way from 35, hair not gray but thin, prefer Andre Rieu and Yanni but……… 😀

Changes on the path least traveled..

Dear Diary Page 17…

Hello Diary,
Gonna be brief tonight….a busy rest of the week coming up and did a walk around to see what was left to do to prepare for winter… seen all the creatures in the yard preparing and it reminded me of a poem I wrote;

I set here with my tea
And watch the leaves a fallin’
It’s becoming clear that one day soon
Jack Frost will come a callin’

Most of my bird friends have went south
In the southern warmth they’ll stay
But I’ll not shed a tear in sorrow
For they’ll be back again some day

All us creatures that are staying behind
To deal with the cold and snow
Are getting our house in order
And waiting for winter’s blow

The squirrels are gathering leaves and such
To insulate their winters nest
The possum is checking every nook and cranny
To find a place for his winters rest

The bee’s are picking up the pace
Gathering nectar with the morning sun
Storing winter food for the hive
Before their work on earth is done

A spider spinning it’s web of silk
I watched as it grew and grew
Soon to become natures work of art
With tomorrow’s early morning dew

This poem could go on and on and on
But alas, I have things to do
For, like it or not, don’t you see
I need to get ready for winter too.
(Larry “Dutch” Woller 10/14/2007)

Venturing down the path least traveled, encountered a young lady who said she was attractive, intelligent and creative and the reason she was still single is she felt over qualified… she said how about you?.. I said “somewhat ugly, a C+ average, left safe harbors and trying “almost” everything and, with my wife passing away some time ago, the reason I am still single is I am independent and liking it.. 😀

Soooooooooooooooooo, with eyes to the horizon, venturing on down the path least traveled, not looking back too long for there is too much in front to see…..sing it Jimmy….

A lazy day and a bit of humour on the path least traveled…

Dear Diary Page 16…..

Hello Diary,
Was having a leisurely Sunday, bringing one week to a close while preparing for another.. Were going through some of my writings when I came across a brief, humorous story that my friend from the UK ( who passed away last year) shared with me years back when we were sharing and comparing writings…while I am not into religion, the story has some religious undertones and I find it amusing….so going to share with you, Diary, to bring this day to a close…

The story;
There was a old miser living in the Wolds of the UK that was extremely greedy…cared little for the well being of others, only to accumulate as much wealth as he could… he would hoard his wealth in the ATTIC… his wife ask him how come he was hoarding his wealth in the attic.. He told her that when he leaves this mortal world, HE WILL TAKE HIS WEALTH WITH HIM!!…

Time went on and he continued on his greedy ways, making life miserable for everyone, while continuing to gather wealth… then one day it happened, he had a heart attack and passed away.. His wife had a funeral of sorts but no one came as everyone hated him…

After the funeral, his wife ventured up to the ATTIC to see if his wealth was still there, and, lo and behold, it was still there!!… The wife got a GRIN on her face and she said “I told the old fool he should put his wealth in the BASEMENT!”….

End of story… 😀

Such as it is on the path least traveled as Bree and I continue on



gazing at the horizon where our destiny awaits us while thinking of days we thought would never end…..

Cooking to the sound of thunder and Andre Rieu on the path least traveled

Dear Diary Page 15…

Hello Diary,
A bit of a rainy and thundery day today (especially later today and tonight) on the path least traveled…a bit nasty to be out walking so came up with the idea of doing a little cooking instead, so to the sound of thunder and rain, I prepared supper for tonight (Friday) along with supper for tomorrow (Saturday) and Sunday…now it is up to the micro, no mess to clean up.. How cool is that!?… 😀

Anyway, started Andre Rieu and the William Tell overture to set the pace, pots and pans at the ready and started in…

For tonight prepared hearty chicken noodle soup, ham & cheese on bagel for me..ham, Kibbles and Bits and apple butter (allergy medication in the apple butter) for Bree..

Friday's supper

For Saturday supper prepared hamburger, homemade mac & cheese, fries and mixed veggies for me… chicken, Kibbles and Bits and applesauce for Bree
saturday's supper
Bree the supervisor put in an appearance halfway through, checking for anything that may have hit the floor..
supervisor bree

For Sunday prepared chicken crescent rolls, mashed potatoes, green beans, salad with cheese & garlic bagel..
For the chicken crescent, used 8 crescent rolls, added canned chicken, cheese, garlic salt and onion..
chicken cresent #1
Rolled them up, put in toaster oven ten minutes…
chicken cresent #2

added cream of chicken soup and sprinkled a bit more cheese over the top, another ten minutes and done…
sunday supper

Mess is cleaned up and moving on to other things!..besides dusting and housework… 😀

“Dust if you must, but wouldn’t it be better to paint a picture or write a letter,
Spend time with a friend, bake a cake or plant a seed,
Ponder the difference between want and need?
Dust if you must, but there’s not much time, with rivers to swim and mountains to climb,
Music to hear, songs to sing and books to read,
Friends to cherish and a life to lead.
Dust if you must, but the world’s out there with the sun in your eyes, the wind in your hair,
A flutter of snow, a shower of rain.
As this day will not come around again.
Dust if you must, but bear in mind,
Old age will come and it’s not kind.
And when you go — and go you must,
You, yourself will make more dust!’

Believe that as Bree and I casually venture down the path least traveled we will let Yanni set the pace… 😀