“Life gives us brief moments with another, but sometimes in those brief moments we get memories that last a lifetime, So live that your memories will be part of your happiness.” (Author Unknown) oni the path least traveled…. 

Diary of the journey on the path least traveled..just letting the heart do the talking while the fingers do the walking while being different, being me… 🙂

Me 1 copy

( “I do not do, say or write something to been seen or heard… I  do, say or write something because it needed to be done, said or written…” ,  no nominations please, just sharing thoughts while exploring life  🙂 ).. 🙂

Weeder's Thoughts…..
I have raked the soil and planted the seeds 
Now I've joined the army that fights the weeds.
For me no flashing saber and sword, 
To battle the swiftly marching horde; 

With a valiant heart I fight the foe, 
My only weapon a trusty hoe.
No martial music to swing me along, 
I march to the robin redbreast song. 

No stirring anthem of bugle and drum 
But the cricket's chirp and the honey bee's hum.
No anti-aircraft or siren yell
But there's Trumpet-creeper and Lily-bell. 

With a loving heart and a sturdy hand, 
I defend the borders of flower-land;
While high over Larkspur and Leopardsbane,
A butterfly pilots his tiny plane; 
But I shall not fear his skillful hand, 
My enemy charges only by land.

Would those who lead nations in war and hate
But lay down their guns at some garden gate,
There, bury- their bombs and their bloody deeds,
And join the grand army that's fighting the weeds.
  (Alma B. Eymann)

Hello Diary,

After gazing out my window and seeing the state of affairs this ole world is in, thought I would share a few thoughts about friendship, something the world societies could use more of…  accepting one as to who they are and wish to be, even though they may be different… sharing thoughts and love, not imposing one’s ideology on another….  To great another with a handshake, not a fist…. “A friend may be waiting behind a stranger’s face.” ( Maya Angelou,)… 🙂

And to do so in peace and harmony.. “Don’t walk in front of me, I may not follow, don’t walk behind me, I may not lead, walk beside me, and be my friend” (Albert Camus )… 🙂

“When we begin to build walls of prejudice, hatred, pride, and self-indulgence around ourselves, we are more surely imprisoned than any prisoner behind concrete walls and iron bars.” (Mother Angelica).. 🙂

Not just another day, dear friend
For in spite of time, distance or whatever,
If only in spirit, thought and dreams
We will be sharing the day together.

Together we live the hand that Fate has dealt us
To share thoughts of love, hope..perhaps a tear,
And by going down the path together in friendship
Doing away with hate, anger….and fear.

Not a friendship of race, color or gender
Nor of closed minded  prejudice...you see,
But a friendship that respects another’s dream
Of what or who they wish to be.

A friendship filled with hope and dreams
With  minds that are at peace,
Surrounded by love and happiness
That sooths the spirit, to say the least.

The warm sun reminds me of you, my friend
Whose beauty from within you do share,
Sharing sunshine, understanding and laughter
Sowing the seeds of  love and happiness in the air.

A special day and one to treasure
And not because of the calendar age, 
Because to the book of fond memories 
We will be adding another page

So, have a wonderful day, dear friend
Wishing you all the best, nothing less,
May today, every day, AND your heart
Be filled…...with love and happiness.
    (Larry “Dutch” Woller)

Well, I had better close for now.. have friends to meet and greet, share thoughts and memories about our dreams as we follow our hearts… but I shall return again one day, Fate be willin’ and the creeks don’t rise!..  🙂

Until we meet again….

May all the wishes you wish come true
May peace be within you
May your heart only know happiness
May you find whatever you’re seeking
Wherever you may roam
                  (Irish Saying)

And speaking of roaming, all that we seek awaits us at the end of the road of life, care to join me on the adventure, my friend??.. 🙂

“Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past and present are certain to miss the future.” (John F. Kennedy)  on the path least traveled…  

Diary of the journey on the path least traveled..just letting the heart do the talking while the fingers do the walking while being different, being me… 🙂 Me 1 copy

( “I do not do, say or write something to been seen or heard… I  do, say or write something because it needed to be done, said or written…” ,  no nominations please, just sharing thoughts while exploring life  🙂 ).. 🙂


Hello Diary,

Yes, change is ongoing in many forms, environment, social, etc… new things being discovered… not everyone wishes change as they have found their comfort zone and will deny what they perceive as a possible threat.. change has been ongoing since man stood upright, ventured out of the cave and invented the club…  🙂

I grew up on the farm, a country boy, in the 1940’s. ‘50’s and ‘60’s… that is me standing next to my Dad and sister, Mom… my brother is at the ladder… Dad had grew a tall cornstalk, near 20 feet tall…  🙂


Change were coming to the farm in the way of a TV set… I were about 7 or 8 years old before I saw my first TV.. Chicago, Illinois had a radio station called WLS and on Saturday nights the station would have a program called The WLS Barn Dance which we would listen to… one night they had a contest to win a TV set.. They played a song and one had to guess the song… well, Mom and Dad new the answer and at 10 o’clock that night Dad drove to the nearest post office, (mail were slow in the country) to mail the letter.. As luck would have it, they won the tv set… they drove to Chicago (half days journey one way) and brought the tv home… it looked similar to the on in the photo below, about 36 inches tall, 24 inches wide and the screen was roughly 14 inches by 12 inches..  🙂


There were only a couple of tv stations and could not get very good reception all the time… another change here on the prairie that not everyone wanted were the telephone… this happened a number of years before I were born… the telephone company was visiting the farms to get permission to set the telephone poles on their land near the road… in those days there were not enough right-of-way to use the road shoulder…  two brothers, Frank and Richard, did not want the telephone or the poles on their land… without those poles, the company could not complete the installation and no one would get a phone…  🙂

The rest of the farm families got together and came up with a idea.. At that time my Dad was part time township road commissioner .. They decided to have a party at a local tavern in the country, Christian’s Tavern, to start a petition for Dad to be road commissioner… free food and beer.. Well, Frank and Richard would not turn down anything that was free and they wanted Dad to be commissioner so they attended the party…  some time after the party started they passed the petition around and Frank and Richard signed what they thought was the petition, when it actually was the form authorizing the telephone company to set the poles in their field near the road… a few days later they found the company putting in poles and they were upset but in the end they were paid a sum of money for the right-of–way and made things better…

Frank and Richard never did get a phone or learn how to use one… whenever they needed a phone, they would drive over to our house and ask Mom if she would make a call for them as they knew Mom and Dad would not refuse them… and that is how we got phones here on the prairie….  🙂



There is change ongoing here on the path and I greet that change with a heart filled with memories, open mind and sails set full as I venture to the horizon a free spirit..  🙂

I’m just a free spirit
Open mind and heart is  all I’ll ever be,
Don’t need much money
Being rich is not for me.

I have a pocket full of dreams
My fate, has yet to be told,
As I sail from safe harbor
While watching my destiny unfold.

I am not in a “box”
No social chains, you’ll see,
As down the path least traveled
Adventure waits for  me.

Not interested in a “image”
Reality is my forte,
I am who I am, leaving no stone unturned
Exploring life each and every day.

Waking up to a world born free
With creatures in their daily rush,
Pursuing their own destinies
Before sunset brings, the evening hush.

The morning air smells clean and fresh
As I awake, it always brings a smile,
Can hear the sound of a distant train
That will travel many a mile.

Yes...just color me a free spirit
For most social graces I do not fit it seems,
No matter, as I  choose happiness over ideology 
Guided by my heart, as I follow my dreams.
    ( Larry “Dutch” Woller, )

And though today may have dark skies and the path a bit bumpy with life’s challenges, I do not worry because there is always tomorrow… 🙂
And I will eagerly greet tomorrow with open arms and a smile on my face because I have a dream.. 🙂
Well, I have shared some thoughts about change in the past and as change is ongoing here on the path I had best close for now… adjusting the sails as I speak and eagerly awaiting the next adventure… but I shall return again one day, Fate be willin’ and the creeks don’t rise..  🙂

Until we meet again…

May your spirit only know peace
May your heart only know love
May all your dreams come true
May your life’s journey be filled with happiness
And life is all that you wish for it to be….
                       (Larry “Dutch” Woller)

“The only thing that stands between you and your dream is the will to try and the belief that it is actually possible.” (Joel Brown) on the path least traveled…

Diary of the journey on the path least traveled..just letting the heart do the talking while the fingers do the walking while being different, being me… 🙂

Me 1 copy

( “I do not do, say or write something to been seen or heard… I  do, say or write something because it needed to be done, said or written…” ,  no nominations please, just sharing thoughts while exploring life  🙂 ).. 🙂

Hello Diary,

Stopping the world briefly, get off, relax a bit and share some thoughts, some that rhyme…  leave the world woes for the moment, enjoy the day and contemplate the tomorrows…  a taste of spring had arrived, giving a hint as to what the future may have instore… time to leave those winter doldrums and venture out…  🙂

Today is St. Patrick’s day here on the prairie and with visons of leprechauns and  pot of gold at the end of the rainbow… if I were to look for the pot my luck would be the same as Mr. Koch.. “If I traveled to the end of the rainbow as Dame Fortune did intend, Murphy would be there to tell me the pot’s at the other end.”   (Ed Koch)….  🙂


The feral cat were out and about, checking the domain.. managed to get a rare photo of the elusive feline… he/she is in the center of the picture walking on top of the fence… 🙂

Also were seeing signs of migratory birds seeking out their destiny… my backyard choir were gathering and starting to practice.. 🙂

I’m watching the sun come up
With a spot of tea in my hand,
Thoughts passing like a gentle breeze
As I gaze upon the land.

Thinking about my garden
As I watch the squirrels at play,
Will this be a good year?
With nature being kind...day by day.?

Or will it be like last year
A struggle both day and night,
Hoping for a better day
With every morning’s light.

Love is in the air
Carried by a gentle breeze,
In the notes of a birds song
As the melody,..gently,.. drifts through the trees.

The time has come to make ready
To plan and to prepare,
Even though it’s cool outside
A taste of spring, and love,  is in the air!

Or is it just me………….. 
           (Larry “Dutch” Woller )

Yes, spring brings love and new life and with that love spring also brings hope… 🙂

Hope is a feather floating in a bright blue sky
Hope is that sparkle that shines in your eyes.
Hope is a butterfly fluttering on the wind
Hope is good times spent with family and friends.

Hope is a newborn baby’s cry
Hope is a Mother’s lullaby.
Hope is the rainbow after a rain
Hope is the harvest of golden grain.

Hope is the light that keeps darkness at bay
Hope is the breeze on a hot summer day.
Hope is ever present and free of cost
Hope is the last thing ever lost.

Hope is staying positive when the going gets tough
Hope is seeking help when you feel you’ve had enough.
Hope is recovery from simmering sorrow
Hope is believing in a brighter tomorrow.
                    (Linda Hotger)

Well, I had better close for now.. the path is calling and with a heart full of love and a pocket filled with dreams it is on down the path I venture… to see what destiny has instore for me.. But I shall return again one day, Fate be willin’ and the creeks don’t rise…  🙂

Until we meet again…

May your spirit only know peace
May your heart only know love
May all your dreams come true
May your life’s journey be filled with happiness
And life is all that you wish for it to be….
                       (Larry “Dutch” Woller)

“Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird, that cannot fly.” (Langston Hughes) on the path least traveled….  

Diary of the journey on the path least traveled..just letting the heart do the talking while the fingers do the walking while being different, being me… 🙂

Me 1 copy

( “I do not do, say or write something to been seen or heard… I  do, say or write something because it needed to be done, said or written…” ,  no nominations please, just sharing thoughts while exploring life  🙂 ).. 🙂

Hello Diary,

Woke up this morning with visions of spring dancing in my thoughts, looked out the window and saw that Team Ole Man Winter and Mother Nature had different ideas… SNOW!!!!!…   🙂


Another challenge to add to today’s life challenges BUT will not raise the white flag,  will not stop,  will press on for “Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow them.” (Louisa May Alcott)..  🙂

In history’s past, on the path, I had a dream
Of a world in harmony it did seem,
Accepting one as to who they believe and are
Of one’s life’s choices no one did bar.

Not a world of race, color or gender
Nor closed minded ridicule or prejudice...you see,
But a world that respects another’s dream
Of what or who they wish to be.

Being free to climb a mountain, to touch a star
Free to search the universe, where answers are,
Free to venture through life, with open mind
Another’s belief, it did not blind.

Being  free to boldly walk the lands, both far and near
To lives one’s life without suffering or fear,
Not to be accepted by belief, gender or race, you see
But by the love, understanding and knowledge of a spirit born free.

And  children could follow their own dream, you see
Not to be denied by another’s ideology,
To follow the destiny of their own choice
Not to be hindered by another’s voice.

I still have that dream, you know
A dream that began a long time ago,
A dream without end, each and every day
Until the four winds, they all blow away.
                          (Larry “Dutch” Woller)

And in spite the dark days, the cold winds, the rough waters and sad times, together, sharing love and understanding, hand in hand people will follow their dream and, together, make this world a better place for all…

And let it begin with me… 🙂

I live in a not so secret garden
Along the path least traveled,
Quite unlike the other world
A world that has become unraveled.

A garden of peace and harmony
Being different does not matter here,
All creatures, big and small, living together
Unlike the other world,  they do not live in fear.

Together we live the hand that Fate has dealt us
Not sure, or dwell, on our final destiny,
But live to enjoy the moment, the hour, the day
That is what life is about, don’t you see.

So into the not so secret garden I will venture
Along the path least traveled, 
To find love, understanding, to follow one’s dreams
Unlike the other  world unraveled.
                       (Larry “Dutch” Woller  )

Going to close for now… venture on down the path, perhaps be a rainbow in someone’s cloud, share some dreams while looking for that elusive rainbow… but I shall return again one day, Fate be willin’ and the creeks don’t rise….  🙂

Until we meet again…

May the love that you give
Always return to you,
That family and friends are many
And always remain true,
May your mind only know peace
No suffering or strife,
May your heart only know love and happiness
On your journey through life.
     (Larry “Dutch” Woller)

“What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or in the holy name of liberty or democracy?” ( Mahatma Gandhi) on the path least traveled… 

Diary of the journey on the path least traveled..just letting the heart do the talking while the fingers do the walking while being different, being me… 🙂 Me 1 copy

( “I do not do, say or write something to been seen or heard… I  do, say or write something because it needed to be done, said or written…” ,  no nominations please, just sharing thoughts while exploring life  🙂 ).. 🙂

Hello Diary,

I briefly stopped my venture down the path to gaze upon the world and I do so with sadness… it seems that after centuries of gathering knowledge, all the human race has managed to do is improve on the “club”, and combine the use of fear and conflict to impose one’s closed minded ideology on another…  unfortunately, as history has proven, all conflict does is sow the seed of suffering, hate and anger.. and those that pay a dear price are those who are caught between ideologies and just wish to follow their dreams and live in peace… 🙂


“The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom” (Isaac Asimov) … 🙂
But I have an idea!..  🙂

I set here looking at the news
The powers wanted peace they say,
And while they spoke, bombs were dropped
20 children died that day!

What’s wrong with this idea?
Why not give PEACE a try,
Let’s give it a go, everyone
Maybe no more children will die 

Smiles on their faces, while shaking hands
Arms deals for defense would come into play,
A bomb went off in a crowded market
10 children died that day.

What’s wrong with this idea?
Why not give a world without bombs a try,
Let’s give it a go, everyone
Maybe no more children will die 

 A war to end all wars, they said
Yet to war they always return,
Death, destruction, suffering and pain
Won’t they ever understand and  learn?

What’s wrong with this idea?
Let’s give UNDERSTANDING and LEARNING a try,
Let’s give it a go, everyone
Maybe no more children will die. 

 Anger versus anger, hate versus hate
Seeds sown by war at home and away,
Starvation , sickness, a mother in tears
More and more children die every day.

What’s wrong with this idea?
Why not give LOVE a try,
Let’s give it a go, everyone
Maybe no more children will die.
( Larry “Dutch” Woller,) 
Here on the path conflict and fear are NOT used as a weapon but peace, love and understanding reigns supreme… and on the path we ride the peace train, all aboard!… 🙂

So, let us bury the sword, pick up the pen and let our fingers do the walking and heart do the talking, let our voices of peace and love be heard and together we can make a difference because we are the world… 🙂

I shall close for now… prepare to venture down the path and hopefully help make this world a better place before my time in this mortal world comes to an end.. But I shall return again one day, Fate be willin’ and the creeks don’t rise…  🙂



Until we meet again…..

May the love that you give
Always return to you,
That family and friends are many
And always remain true,
May your mind only know peace
No suffering or strife,
May your heart only know love and happiness
On your journey through life.
     (Larry “Dutch” Woller)

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.” (Jimi Hendrix).. And with our love and our dream of a better world, one day the world will live in harmony… 🙂