Italian food, wine and love on the path least traveled…

Diary from the path least traveled..

Hello Diary,

Though the sun is shinning this Sunday morning, it is deceiving as it is still winter outdoors…the winter doldrums are still present, not much to chat about with the outdoors…so thought I would share a few thoughts about my Sundays…while still bit active, Sunday is a day if leisure and contemplating the tomorrows….

To start, I do some meditation (during the week I also do Tai Chi) first thing, I have a little zen garden (artificial) set up with a small MP3 player for soft music,,,

zen garden

Then I have various relaxing things to do while contemplating tomorrows, one is my painting board…


I have it set up so I can gaze out the front windows from time to time to gaze upon the rest of the universe…also nearby is where I color from time to time (colored pencils),,

color book

I have several adult type coloring books so I have plenty to keep occupied in that area…of course, I also have my reading with my little Kindle Paperwhite….


I have a library of near 400 books of various types currently downloaded for reading… the TV does not get turned on (unless there is a special program I wish to watch) and into the computer early only to blog and turn in weather data… the little pc is on of course to listen to soft music from England…

Sunday is also designated Italian meal day and don’t wash dishes day… 🙂 therefore, for my main meal (which I eat around Midday, during the week also) I will have a Marie Callender and for my late afternoon/early evening meal I will have a Smart One meal with a glass of red wine…

Sunday dinner

When in the mood, I will also write a bit of poetry..rarely do I write about extremism, bigotry, hate, anger, etc because the world is full of that already…try to avoid using labels here on the path least traveled, it is what it is…love is something that comes from deep within, knowing no boundaries, race, religion, gender, etc…love is something good to write about and something this world needs more of… a poem I wrote about love;

Worry About You….

Me stop worrying, dear???
Not worry about Thee I Love!!
Ask the rains to stop falling, darling
From the heavens up above!

Command the sun not to shine, my love
Order the rivers to all run dry,
Tell the winds to stop blowing, my sweet
Command the birds to never again fly!!

The sun will shine, the rivers run,
The winds will blow and the birds fly forever,
And I will worry about you and LOVE YOU SO
Beyond….. the 12th of Never!!!
(penned by Larry “Dutch” Woller 10-7-2008)

Well, better close for now and venture on down the path least traveled..will color a bit and contemplate the coming of spring and venturing outdoors…but I will return one day, Diary, Fate be willin’ and the creeks don’t rise..

Will love conquer all and I catch my rainbow, one would ask…. only time knows the answer… 🙂

Enjoying life taking the road less traveled by….

Diary from the path least traveled..

Hello Diary,

Having a leisurely weekend of contemplating the past, present and future, thought I would take time to pop in and leave a few thoughts… winter arrived and staying around for awhile.. this morning the skies looked and were cold, landscape somewhat bleak….

Sat morning sunrise

But not near as wintery as the other day, when with snow, blowing snow and below 0 temps (near like the Arctic with wind chills –30 degrees), when I ventured out at 4 AM in the morning to check the weather instruments…. 🙂

snowy morning

With the weather outdoors being nasty, stayed indoors working on projects, chores, etc… first thing accomplish were getting the dinners ready for the week and put in the freezer…

week meals

With that accomplished, started another project…had a small 10” Acer laptop that were not in use so I thought I would turn it into a ready, set down and took 2 days to make changes, brought up to date, etc..

setting up laptop

Moved it to the entertainment section of the home, added some speakers that I had laying around, got online and success!!! as you can see in the following photo, I was listening, LIVE, to one of my favorite stations, Classic FM in London, England…

classic fm

With that accomplished, spent the rest of the time exploring life, the universe, experimenting and trying different things in learning more about me (who I am and what I am in the universe), the world and the universe… unlike most others I’m not shackled to any ideology or religion, so with open mind and spirit, finding the universe, life and ME are not simple but complicated…enjoyable and exciting!!!… I do feel sad for those unfortunate individuals who wish to remain in their safe much they are missing… to quote Robert Frost, I took the road less traveled by and it has made all the difference!.. 🙂

That being said, will leave some thoughts by others before getting on with the day;

“We all have our own life to pursue, our own kind of dream to be weaving. And we all have some power to make wishes come true, as long as we keep believing.” Louisa May Alcott

“My will shall shape the future. Whether I fail or succeed shall be no man’s doing but my own. I am the force; I can clear any obstacle before me or I can be lost in the maze.. My choice; my responsibility; win or lose, only I hold the key to my destiny”. Elaine Maxwell

“I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality… I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word.” Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Love is the expansion of two natures in such fashion that each include the other, each is enriched by the other.” Felix Adler

Going to venture on down the path least traveled now, explore a bit more of ME and the universe, chase a few more rainbows…but I shall return again one day, Fate be willin’ and the creeks don’t dry….

A few more thoughts by Israel “IZ” Kamakawiwoʻole…

Too cold for the Grinch to steal Xmas on the path least traveled…

Diary from the path least traveled..

Hello Diary,

Had been a active time last week, taking in the holidays and dealing with the cold weather… it were too cold for the Grinch to steal Christmas.. 😀 thought I would pop in and leave a fww thoughts…it were a sunny start to the day today..

north pole

But looks were deceiving as it were another cold morning today also, warmer in Alaska… they are forecasting a period of snow/rain/freezing rain etc. over the next 48 hours, should be interesting… brought back memories of when I was growing up on the farm…

In the spring Dad would order baby chicks from the local hatchery for use on the farm, to replace the older chickens…the chicks would be put in a cardboard container (the sides were about 6 inches high) so we could get them home safely…

chcken crate

They would be loosely put in the box for their safety… we had a “brooder” house with heat lamps hanging from the ceiling to keep them warm and we would let them loose…well, we had a forecast much like today’s, got some freezing rain and with the utility lines not being what they are today, we lost power…appliances, etc. were gas so we could stay warm to some was decided to venture out, put the chicks in the boxes and bring them indoors…

They were very cold, we set the boxes on the floor in the warm kitchen, took the lids off of them so they could warm up but not smother…this was about 8 pm in the evening, total dark… to make a long story short, once those chicks got warm, they decided to check out the house… Suddenly, we had 50 baby chicks coming over the side of the box, “busting loose” and scattering all over the house!!!… 🙂 it took most of the night and next morning to round up all the chicks safely…

Back to the present, ventured to the post office last week and a gathering of a few of the locals were there (believe they were using the heat), they were discussing two things; immigration/refugees and religion… I would like to add that they are the local hypocrites also… 🙂 they had negative views of the immigrants/refugees, failing to take in account that the actions of this country, the USA, made a large percentage of them immigrants/refugees… they failed to mention that this country ask those very same people to help defend against terrorism, etc, something the locals did not have the courage to do themselves… that is not the case here on the path least traveled…


As for religion and ones destiny after leaving this mortal world, the universe knows I am not into religion, as I set here and think of all the wars, conflicts, suffering, etc that religion (all religion) has caused, and still causing… on the path least traveled there is no death.. I am a free spirit in a mortal body… there is no race, ideology, gender (for the record, according to the tests, my thought process is 75 to 80% feminine and 20 to 25% masculine), not bound by social pressure, etc…. as my daughter would say “it is what it is” or as Popeye would say “ I yam what I yam and that is all that I yam” 🙂 … once this mortal body has run its course, it will not be the end but a new beginning… I believe the following poem says it best;

Please, don’t stand at my grave and weep;
For I’m not there, I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glints on snow
I am the sunlight on ripened grain
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight
I am the soft glow of stars at night
Please, don’t stand at my grave and cry
For I am not there, I did not die..
(Mary Elizabeth Frye)

I had better close now and venture on down the path…but I shall return one day, Fate be willin’ and the creeks don’t rise.. In the meantime, I shall continue to enjoy the moment, looking forward to the next moment, chase rainbows and live life..and do so until the last moment…