Starting a new year, a new page of history on the path least traveled..

Dear Diary, from the path least traveled…

Hello Diary,

I know, I know.. it has been awhile since I last visited but starting a new year and a new page on the path least traveled…a new page to the beginning of a new story, a new beginning as Bree and I venture down the path least traveled.. memories of the past stored in hearts and mind as Bree and I venture forward making new memories while exploring life and all that the path least traveled contains… so while waiting for the washing machine to buzz, thought I would leave a few thoughts..

And speaking of Bree, she is feeling more like her old self.. still have issues with the little heart, but not able to fix that, just deal with it…on a bit of a diet to help some but otherwise, she’s the same ole Bree… here she is taking a nap in her “den” under the day bed while I am typing this…


Had a taste of spring earlier this month outdoors but winter has returned and a bit cold and gloomy out…


matches Trump’s world to a “T”.. 🙂 .. have spent the better part of January getting affairs in order and preparing for whatever chaos Trump’s world may send this way… don’t believe in Trump… and his actions tells me a great deal about his supporters, he is representing them and their beliefs, is he not?..

But not so on the path least traveled… we have but one life to live, no one else can live it for us and will only get one try at it, so, as Frank Sinatra said, doing it my way (Bree doing her thing) and feeling good about myself and enjoying life..

and while the weather may be a bit dark and cold, not gloomy here as the world on the path least traveled is busy… sparrow friends gathering at the feeding hole for a bite before darkness settles in..


Of course, not all is work while it is cold and snowy out, have time for some water color here…


I lightly traced in the hummer and the flowers but filling in freehand the back ground, getting ready to add some trees… and I also purchased one of those adult coloring books, and use colored pencils..


Both are good for relaxing and perhaps meditate a bit and also contemplate the future while painting and coloring… 🙂 .. well the washer is calling so better finish and get on with the day and prepare for next week…will leave with a couple of quotes;

“Two roads diverged in a wood and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference”. Robert Frost

“Find out who you are and be that person. That’s what your spirit was put on this Earth to be. Find that truth, live that truth and everything else will come.” Ellen DeGeneres

We’ll meet again one day, to share some thoughts and perhaps a memory or two as Bree and I traveled down the path least traveled, chasing our rainbows and exploring life… Fate be willin’ and the creeks don’t rise…

Ice, pork roast and life’s speed bump on the path least traveled…

Hello Diary,

Long time no see… 🙂 a gloomy day outdoors with fog and freezing rain….


Everything has a thin coating of ice, like the auto…


Too nasty to be outdoors and with daily chores done, thought I would take a few minutes to share some thoughts… have been bringing pages of the past to close after my wife’s passing in 2015 and preparing for a new year and the unfortunate leadership, or lack of, with Trump…must have been some desperate people to have elected him President, it sure wasn’t me!… 🙂

That being said, little Bree (picture taken during better days)…

Bree and popcorn chicken

Had some issues believe to be related to her precious heart… she has had a heart murmur for some time now and suddenly the other day she had symptoms near that of seizures.. Hasn’t had any since, have her on a heart medicine for awhile and wait to see what happens…one of life’s “speed bumps” we encounter from time to time…

Bree sort of took over things after the passing of Miss Daisy in 2014…


Keeping an eye on the home and backyard, taking care of business, etc… 🙂 I remember when Kathy (my late wife) were battling cancer, Bree would stay near her and when Kathy needed something, she would call my name and little Bree would start barking and looking for me!… so now the pendulum has swung the other way and it is little Bree that is needing the help…not sure what the future will bring but Bree and I will face it together!!..

It may be cold and gloomy outdoors but indoors it is bright and warm.. Prepared Sunday’s dinner in a crockpot, pork roast and veggies..


Will turn it on early in the morning and should be done around noon.. Well, Diary, that is about it for awhile..rather quiet times at the moment though busy planning for the future and a number of hobbies and projects.. Not to mention always checking out those rainbows on the horizon as we venture down the path least traveled… 🙂

In leaving will share some thoughts;

“Life gives us brief moments, but sometimes in those brief moments we get memories that last a lifetime, so live that your memories will be part of your happiness.”

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched– they must be felt with the heart.” Helen Keller

“If my doctor told me I had only six minutes to live, I wouldn’t brood, I’d type a little faster. “ Isaac Asimov

And will return again one day, as Bree and I venture down the path least traveled while living and cherishing the delicate life we have, Fate be willin’ and the creeks don’t rise…..

Speaking of rainbows, here is one thought by Kermit which I agree with;

And another by Israel Kamakaiwo’ole;