“Find out who you are and be that person. That’s what your spirit was put on this Earth to be. Find that truth, live that truth and everything else will come.” (Ellen DeGeneres) on the path least traveled….

Diary of the journey on the path least traveled..just letting the heart do the talking while the fingers do the walking while being different, being me… 🙂

Me 1 copy

( “I do not do, say or write something to been seen or heard… I do, say or write something because it needed to be done, said or written…” , no nominations please, just sharing thoughts while exploring life 🙂 )
Journey of Self Discovery…

One morning in history’s past I woke up, and like Kevyn Aucoin, I chose life.. “Today I choose life. Every morning when I wake up I can choose joy, happiness, negativity, pain… To feel the freedom that comes from being able to continue to make mistakes and choices – today I choose to feel life, not to deny my humanity but embrace it.” Kevyn Aucoin

And I followed a path suggested by Robert Frost…

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Robert Frost

“Life is complicated and not contained to a few ideologies or beliefs, therefore in order to better understand the universe, and me, I need to leave safe harbor, with open mind, and explore all of the universe, not just parts of it..…” (Larry “Dutch” Woller)

Hello Diary,

It is a Tuesday afternoon, and inbetween storms, haven’t been online much but have not been deterred.. “I’m not afraid of storms, for I’m learning how to sail my ship.” ( Louisa May Alcott), thought I would take time to share a few thoughts before “battening down the hatches” for the evening… 🙂

Earlier today before the first round of storms arrived, I saw a squirrel taking a break (on top of the fence) after spending a few hours acting like a rebellious knucklehead while chasing his dreams….

squirrel taking a break..

No doubt having the same mindset as Hunter Thompson. “Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out and loudly proclaiming; “Wow! What a ride!” (Hunter S. Thompson).. 🙂

Also saw a young dove (the little gray furry ball near the stick) who had apparently decided to leave the safety of the nest and follow it’s dreams “Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or it is nothing.” (Helen Keller)…

baby dove

No doubt resting a bit when I took the picture but were gone a short time later, I wish the bird a safe journey while following its dreams.. Also received some good news today that I were able to help others realize their dreams…

why donation

“Dear, Larry Woller

Thank you for your Support to Project WHY,
We would like to thank you for your support to the Project WHY’s program. Your generosity will enable us to further our mission of “creating spaces to dream, learn and transform lives” of underprivileged children and their families. Project WHY is a committed social non-profit program, that runs six after school education centers for underprivileged children to enhance their education performance and improve their learning outcomes. We also run a woman centre, Special Needs education and computer classes for children. The centers are run by a management team, mostly originating from the communities. We pride ourselves for maintaining a lasting friendship with our donors and supporters.
Please do visit our website www.projectwhy.org and like us on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/projectwhydelhi/.

With Gratitude,

Project WHY Team.
Satish Chandra ( Trustee SRGCT)”

“I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.” (Stephen Grellet )

Well, I had better close… prepare for the next weather adventure, while following my dreams and contemplating what destiny may have instore for me… but I shall return again one day, Fate be willin’ and the creeks don’t rise… 🙂

Remember, Diary, all one can do is know happiness by following ones dreams, being led by one’s heart, and it is up to the rest of the world to accept or not… so don’t give up the fight for those dreams, as Mark Twain said “It is not the size of the dog in a fight that matters, it is the size of the fight in the dog”.. (Mark Twain)

So keeping in mind the words by Langston Hughes “Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird, that cannot fly.” (Langston Hughes ).. I believe I will take my cup of tea and find me a star… 🙂

“When we begin to build walls of prejudice, hatred, pride, and self-indulgence around ourselves, we are more surely imprisoned than any prisoner behind concrete walls and iron bars.” (Mother Angelica) on the path least traveled…

Diary of the journey on the path least traveled..just letting the heart do the talking while the fingers do the walking while being different, being me… 🙂

Me 1 copy

( “I do not do, say or write something to been seen or heard… I do, say or write something because it needed to be done, said or written…” , no nominations please, just sharing thoughts while exploring life 🙂 )
Journey of Self Discovery…

It is a Friday morning ,
fri morn 3

with a world in turmoil but here on the path there is hope and a dream… some thoughts from last year….

The new year is rapidly approaching
As I contemplate the tomorrow,
Leaving some memories filled with happiness
A few memories filled with sorrow.

I peer out my window
At a winter world cold and bleak,
A world of conflict, anger and hate
Mortals are suffering as I speak.

But we have a dream
Martin Luther King and I,
That one day there will be peace
No more mortals will die.

And there will be hope
Of a world filled with love one day,
A wish that could come true
For hope is the last to die…they say.

Not a world of race, color or gender
Nor closed minded ridicule or prejudice…you see,
But a world that respects another’s dream
Of what or who they wish to be.

So I peer out the window
Not with sadness or fear,
But a heart filled with a dream
That everyone has a wonderful new year.
(Larry “Dutch” Woller)

Hello Diary,

Haven’t been online much due to the daily storms, were out of power for a time yesterday, Thursday, but “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain”.. 🙂 more fortunate than others though… taking a break in the activities to share some thoughts…

Another holiday on the horizon, a day of remembrance for the fallen.. here on the path it is a day to remember everyone, not just the fallen, but those who have also suffered and a day to fill with love and peace…

Maybe No More Children Will Die

I set here looking at the news
The powers wanted peace they say,
And while they spoke, bombs were dropped
20 children died that day!

What’s wrong with this idea?
Why not give PEACE a try,
Let’s give it a go, everyone
Maybe no more children will die

Smiles on their faces, while shaking hands
Arms deals for defense would come into play,
A bomb went off in a crowded market
10 children died that day.

What’s wrong with this idea?
Why not give a world with LOVE a try,
Let’s give it a go, everyone
Maybe no more children will die

A war to end all wars, they said
Yet to war they always return,
Death, destruction, suffering and pain
Won’t they every learn?

What’s wrong with this idea?
Let’s give LEARNING a try,
Let’s give it a go, everyone
Maybe no more children will die.

Anger versus anger, hate versus hate
Seeds sown by war at home and away,
Starvation , sickness, a mother in tears
More and more children die every day.

What’s wrong with this idea?
Why not give PEACE, LOVE and LEARNING a try,
Let’s give it a go, everyone
Maybe no more children will die.
( Larry “Dutch” Woller, 9-17-2008)

To pause for thought and remembrance, but not linger long for there is the living…

“I gave all those (all races, gender, beliefs, religion) from all countries that perished in the Towers a time of thought and remembrance… but now it is time to move on, not live in the shadows of 9/11….. I cannot change the past, but I can help determine the future… I cannot help the dead but I can help the living.. (Larry “Dutch” Woller)

And to remember those who are trying to follow their dreams while dealing with man’s inhumanity against man…


“The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom”. Isaac Asimov

Well, I had better close for now, have a lull in the storm as they say, so will get on with the next adventure, have plenty of rainbows to check out.. 🙂 but I shall return again one day, fate be willin’ and the creeks don’t rise…

Have been there and done that (me sitting on the ground)..


Will take peace and love any day!.. 🙂

In Remembrance……

We were volunteers, one and all
So Noble.. Proud.. and Brave,
Did not know the reasons for war
Just a people from tyranny to save!

Glasses held high, we made an toast
Surely that Victory would rule the day!
While back at home, the voices of unrest
Not a kind word for us did they say.

Some could not vote, children were we
Some could not drink, but still our battle cry,
Even with all that we could not do
For us children, it was to do or die!

Vietnam was a hostile, violent land
The dangers, the horrors of war abound,
Whether the paddies of Vietnam or the fields of home,
Seemed for us, not a friend could be found.

But we proudly gave it our all
Faced our destiny, with a hint of fear of tomorrow
Some to return to a mother’s joy
Some to return to a mother’s sorrow.

So should you be looking on today
One more toast, hold your glasses high,
To PEACE, HOPE and LOVE, may they long endure

(penned on May 30, 2009 by; Sgt, Larry “Dutch” Woller
12th Marine Regiment
Vietnam, 1965–1966…)

“Until you are happy with who you are, you will never be happy with what you have.” (Zig Ziglar ) on the path least traveled….

Diary of the journey on the path least traveled..just letting the heart do the talking while the fingers do the walking while being different, being me… 🙂

Me 1 copy

( “I do not do, say or write something to been seen or heard… I do, say or write something because it needed to be done, said or written…” , no nominations please, just sharing thoughts while exploring life 🙂 )
Journey of Self Discovery…

What I am
Who I want to be
Am I just a stranger in this dinosaur world,
or my is existence limited to rest ,eat and pee.

Every day is a new day ,
I try to discover myself,
The identity crisis lulls over me,
In calm, yet monstrous glee,
Failing to find what exactly constitutes my being.

One day I want to be a doctor,
Other day an engineer,
Or even a scientist,
The society decides my ambition,
What career to pursue is guided by secure future norms,
They say I have a lunatics mind,
Persuade my mother to put some sense into me.

Enough is said,
I my setting on a journey of my own,
The mistakes I make shall be mine,
The regrets shall be my defined,
Its fall or rise,
Time will play a key role,

As Frost said,
I have an option of two paths ahead of me,
One pre decided by my ancestors,
less risky and challenging,
Other of my own,
I decide to take the less traveled one,
To mark on journey of my own.
(Illahi Bedi)

Hey, look me over
Lend me an ear
Fresh out of clover
Mortgage up to here
But don’t pass the plate, folks
Don’t pass the cup
I figure whenever you’re down and out
The only way is up

And I’ll be up like a rose bud
High on the vine
Don’t thumb your nose
But take a tip from mine
I’m a little bit short of the elbow room
But let me get me some
And look out world
Here I come

Hello Diary,

It is a Tuesday morning here, started out a rainy cool morning with possible storms later today…. A bluebird (by the brick) taking advantage of a lull to have breakfast.. 🙂


And like myself and all others on the path, the little bluebird enjoys being different… 🙂

And why do I wish to be different, you may ask,
The freedom to choose, to explore, to learn a lot,
Dictated to by a prophet chained to a myth…. NOT
Maybe so everyone can shout and point at me,
And say, “Hey, he’s different”, don’t you see.

My mind is clear and open, gathering knowledge every day
My spirit is young, adventuresome and floating free,
Not confined by those social chains, no box, no mold for me
I am what I am, I am me, what I wish to be,
Perhaps that makes me different, don’t you see.

So my heart’s compass is pointed to the horizon
Sails set full, safe harbor fading in the distance, a faint glow to eye it seems
And with a pocket full of memories, on the horizon are my dreams
On down the path least traveled I will venture, with spirit free
Why the path least traveled?..well, I’m different, don’t you see.

(Penned by Larry “Dutch” Woller )

Also observed a pair of rabbits out getting a breakfast of tender greens..

rabbits 2

I do not use chemicals so they do not eat in fear of being poisoned…
“A garden of peace and harmony
Being different does not matter here,
All creatures, big and small, living together
Unlike the other world, they do not live in fear.” (Larry Woller)

Also while out and about, I noticed the dove nest were empty (they had two baby doves)…

empty nest

No doubt the young doves, as well as mom and dad, were off chasing their dreams…“Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow them.” (Louisa May Alcott)

I noticed that European starling parents had taken some advice from the dove parents and with patience and love, built a home secure and safe… 🙂

starling nest

“A home that is built with patience, understanding and love will withstand the strongest winds of difficulties and conflict , a home built with a closed mind, insincerity and haste will collapse in a mere breeze of discontent.” (Larry “Dutch” Woller )

As all the creatures here on the path know, life is about choices…

I’ll be what I must be, in spite of me
as life won’t always give the things I choose
and so I have to make what has to be
into the things my life and I can use.

All roads don’t lead to Rome, as it’s been said,
but some to Paris, and a little fun,
so I will change the path where I would dread
to go to where I choose, when I am done.

I’ll not be forced into a better scheme
if I can’t see the end result my way
if it’s not part of what my heart can dream
it never will come to the light of day.

All things can change, if I have any voice
in what they are, and I will make the choice.
(Vee Bdosa 2014)

Well, I had better close.. Storms to prepare for, rainbows to chase, adventures to partake in, busy, busy, busy… 🙂 “And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.” (Abraham Lincoln) , but I shall return again one day, Fate be willin’ and the creeks don’t rise…

Today’s world is filled with hate, anger, extremism, etc and making it difficult to follow ones dreams “When we begin to build walls of prejudice, hatred, pride, and self-indulgence around ourselves, we are more surely imprisoned than any prisoner behind concrete walls and iron bars.” Mother Angelica

But be yourself even if being different “The greatest challenge in life is to be our own person and accept that being different is a blessing and not a curse”.. (Kilroy Oldster) and hold on to your dreams… “Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird, that cannot fly.” Langston Hughes

“Love is the expansion of two natures in such fashion that each include the other, each is enriched by the other.” (Felix Adler) on the path least traveled..

Diary of the journey on the path least traveled..just letting the heart do the talking while the fingers do the walking while being different, being me… 🙂

Me 1 copy

( “I do not do, say or write something to been seen or heard… I do, say or write something because it needed to be done, said or written…” , no nominations please, just sharing thoughts while exploring life 🙂 )

“The moment you have in your heart this extraordinary thing called love and feel the depth, the delight, the ecstasy of it, you will discover that for you the world is transformed.”. Jiddu Krishnamurti

“ Love is a beautiful journey, where every step is a destination and every moment an eternity” (Apoorve Duby)

Hello Diary,

It is a pleasant Thursday morning, a lull in the storms here on the prairies of the path least traveled… 🙂

thurs morn 1

May see some severe weather later today and this evening “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain”.. 🙂

Hazardous Weather Outlook
National Weather Service Lincoln IL
445 AM CDT Thu May 16 2019
There is a marginal risk for severe thunderstorms this afternoon
and tonight. This afternoon thunderstorms will be most likely from
near Champaign northeastward. This evening, thunderstorms will be
possible from near I-74 northward. Hail and locally damaging wind
gusts to 60 mph are the main severe weather threats.

But here on the path are taking advantage of the pleasant weather to follow ones heart and living one’s dreams “There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.” – Douglas H. Everett …. And speaking of dreams, here is Mr. Rabbit relaxing in the sun, no doubt dreaming about the corn and sunflower seeds at Dutch’s Buffet here on the path.. 🙂

rabbit relaxing

Well, I were moving a bit slow but finally managed to venture out and set up the buffet for Mr. Rabbit (he is sitting at the far end of the feeding pad) and friends, their dreams come true.. 🙂

rabbit eating

Of course, here on the path (and hopefully help other parts of the universe) we make and effort to minimize, or prevent, that which may interfere with ones dreams .. in order to reduce carbon and dependence on fossil fuels, an electric mower is required.. 🙂


Also, to reduce the need for paper and to prevent the use of trees (trees help maintain the atmosphere), for taking temporary notes, I purchased what is affectionately referred to as “boogie boards”… one 4inch..

little boogie board

To erase one simply presses the button… 🙂 and I also purchased a 8 inch board…

big boogie board

Now I can make quick notes and no one has to cut down a tree… so somewhere on the planet earth, there is a tree that shall remain standing, perhaps a child will use it for a swing, two lovers for a picnic or the birds can perch and sing lullabies to the world.. “I’ve learned that you shouldn’t go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw some things back.”

Well, Diary, I had better close and venture on down the path..“I am what I am, venturing down the path of life, following my dreams, chasing rainbows and leaving safe harbor to boldly go where I have not been before”… (Larry “Dutch” Woller), but I shall return one day, Fate be willin’ and the creeks don’t rise… 🙂

Well, Diary, if you want true happiness just listen to your heart and (be it a friend, relationship, lover, no matter the gender, race or belief) you gotta love some one.. 🙂
I live in a not so secret garden
Along the path least traveled,
Quite unlike the other world
A world that has become unraveled.

A garden of peace and harmony
Being different does not matter here,
All creatures, big and small, living together
Unlike the other world, they do not live in fear.

Together we live the hand that Fate has dealt us
Not sure, or dwell, on our final destiny,
But live to enjoy the moment, the hour, the day
That is what life is about, don’t you see.

So into the not so secret garden I will venture
Along the path least traveled,
To find love, understanding, to follow one’s dreams
Unlike the other world unraveled.
(Larry “Dutch” Woller )

You can hear them singing
On the streets
You’ve gotta love someone
If you want to dance with, happy feet
You’ve gotta love someone

Don’t need, anyone to tell you how
There never was a better, time than now
‘Cause, we all know what makes the world go round
You’ve gotta love someone

I am in heaven
All of the seven
Days of the week
With you having fun
My heart’s on fire
I am inspired
Love takes you higher
When you truly love someone

If you want to steal his, heart away
You’ve gotta love someone
If you can’t live without her, one more day
You know you love someone
I’ve got a secret to reveal
It’s got me spinning like a, spinning wheel
So, if you want to know just, how it feels
You’ve gotta love someone

“ The love a mother has for her children is legendary, it is said a child is the mother’s heart outside her body.” (on Mother’s Day and every day) on the path least traveled…

Diary of the journey on the path least traveled..just letting the heart do the talking while the fingers do the walking while being different, being me… 🙂

Me 1 copy

( “I do not do, say or write something to been seen or heard… I do, say or write something because it needed to be done, said or written…” , no nominations please, just sharing thoughts while exploring life 🙂 )

Well, it is Friday and life goes on… Sunday is Mother’s Day (here on the path every day is Mother’s Day 🙂 ) and no matter if one is a Mom or not (anyone), hope Mother’s Day (and every day) is filled with peace, love and happiness and the day is all that one wishes for it to be… 🙂

A Mother’s Hand

Her hands held me gently from the day I took my first breath.
Her hands helped to guide me as I took my first step.
Her hands held me close when the tears would start to fall.
Her hands were quick to show me that she would take care of it all.

Her hands were there to brush my hair, or straighten a wayward bow.
Her hands were often there to comfort the hurts that didn’t always show.
Her hands helped hold the stars in place, and encouraged me to reach.
Her hands would clap and cheer and praise when I captured them at length.

Her hands would also push me, though not down or in harm’s way.
Her hands would punctuate the words, just do what I say.
Her hands sometimes had to discipline, to help bend this young tree.
Her hands would shape and mold me into all she knew I could be.

Her hands are now twisting with age and years of work,
Her hand now needs my gentle touch to rub away the hurt.
Her hands are more beautiful than anything can be.
Her hands are the reason I am me.
(Maggie Pittman )

“I can imagine no heroism greater than motherhood.” – Lance Conrad

Hello Diary,

Were setting here with a cup of tea on this Friday morning and with Mother’s day on the horizon, were thinking about a bouquet of flowers from my garden (the photos were taken last year).. 🙂

roses north

A bouquet of flowers from my garden,
Their beauty need not be told,
Their fragrance is soothing and lovely
A pleasant scent for one to behold.


They remind me of you, Mom
Whose beauty from within you did share,
Bringing sunshine, understanding and laughter
Sowing the seeds of love and happiness in the air.

clematis 1

This bouquet was picked for you, Mom
For not only being my Mom, but a dear forever friend,
For giving sunshine, laughter, love and happiness
For which I know will never end.
(Penned by Larry “Dutch” Woller )

And when it seems the world is against oneself, there is doubt in ones life, when love is turning to a heartache one can always go to ones best forever friend, Mom… why one would ask?.. As Celine Dion says “Because You Love Me”…

Yes, Mom struggles to help her children become what they wish to be, making sacrifices herself, feeling their pain when all is not well, heart overjoyed in their happiness, being there for her children every step of the way, supports and loves her children no matter the circumstances.. and then in time she finds herself in the shadows, often times unnoticed, as she watches her children gather all the glory as they venture forward following their dream.. but no matter, for the all world knows Mom is the wind beneath their wings… 🙂

Well, I had better close for now and venture on down the path for “Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow them.” (Louisa May Alcott) but I shall return again one day, Fate be willin’ and the creeks don’t rise…

For someone who may not have a mother on Mothers Day because she has passed on and no longer in this mortal world, do not be sad because she is no further away than your heart watching over you as mothers always do… 🙂

Do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there, I do not sleep
I am a thousand winds that blow
I am the diamonds glints in the snow
I am the sunlight on ripened grain
I am the gentle autumn rain
When you awaking in the morning hush
I am the swift uplifting rush of quiet birds in circled flight
I am the soft star that shines at night
Do not stand by my grave and cry
I am not there, I did not die
(Mary Frye)

One day shy of eight years old, my grandma passed away
I was a broken hearted little boy, blowing out that birthday cake
How I cried when the sky let go, with a cold and lonesome rain,
Mamma smiled, said don’t be sad child, grandma’s watching you today

Cause there’s holes in the floor of heaven
And her tears are pouring down,
That’s how you know she’s watching,
Wishing she could be here now,
And sometimes if your lonely,
Just remember she can see,
There’s holes in the floor of heaven,
And she’s watching over you and me,

Seasons come, and seasons go, nothing stays the same
I grew up, fell in love, met a girl who took my name
Year by year, we made a life, in this sleepy little town
I thought we’d grow old together, Lord, I sure do miss her now

But there’s holes in the floor of heaven,
And her tears are pouring down,
That’s how I know she’s watching,
Wishing she could be here now,
And sometimes when I’m lonely,
I remember she can see,
There’s holes in the floor of heaven,
And she’s, watching over you and me,

Well my little girl is twenty three, I walk her down the aisle
It’s a shame her mom can’t be here now, to see her lovely smile
They throw the rice, I catch her eye, as the rain starts coming down
She takes my hand, says daddy don’t be sad,
Cause I know mamma’s watching now

And there’s holes in the floor of heaven,
And her tears are pouring down,
That’s how you know she’s watching,
Wishing she could be here now,
And sometimes when I’m lonely,
I remember she can see,
Yes, there’s holes in the floor of heaven,
And she’s, watching over you and me

“ I am currently attending the School of Life, learning more about the universe and me… and Graduation Day will be the day of my funeral and it is then I will know if I failed or I succeeded and graduated”… (Larry “Dutch” Woller) on the path least traveled…

Diary of the journey on the path least traveled..just letting the heart do the talking while the fingers do the walking while being different, being me… 🙂


( “I do not do, say or write something to been seen or heard… I do, say or write something because it needed to be done, said or written…” , no nominations please, just sharing thoughts while exploring life 🙂 )

It is a Wednesday morning and, like every morning that I wake up on the green side of the grass, today I choose life… 🙂

“Today I choose life. Every morning when I wake up I can choose joy, happiness, negativity, pain… To feel the freedom that comes from being able to continue to make mistakes and choices – today I choose to feel life, not to deny my humanity but embrace it.” Kevyn Aucoin

Life’s Choices

Life is full of choices
Make sure you pick the right one,
Don’t listen to the voices
Hear only yours and you have won.

Many people will tell you
You need to change your looks,
Don’t take to heart their view
Fabulous bods are found only in books.

There is only one voice
That you should listen to,
It will help make the right choice
That is perfect just for you.

Your looks are your own
Someone will always love you,
You will never be alone
Look in the mirror and you’ll see who.
by Rose

Hello Diary,

The other morning I took a brief break from chasing rainbows and following dreams and as I gazed upon the sunrise..

morn sky 1

I did contemplate and wonder about destiny…. 🙂

A peaceful morning, watching the sun arise
Thoughts abound, while sipping on a spot of tea,
While taking in Nature’s outdoor portrait
Contemplating, on what Fate may have instore for me.

Change is slowly coming, it whispers in the winds
The door is slowly closing on history,
With a new awakening with the mind and spirit
But the future is still shrouded in mystery.

With the freedom of being different, in many ways
No social shackles do this mortal wear,
Do welcome change with open mind and spirit
No fear, no worry or dread do I bear.

Does change and spirit stop at mortal death, one wonders
Or does it go on forever and ever,
Will I ask the same at another time and place
Somewhere past the 12th of Never?

Will thought and spirit continue
When, as in all things, one’s time comes to an end?
Or does all things cease to be when
To the grave, the mortal body, Fate does send.

Alas, but must deal with the present, this very moment
So now will store thoughts and musings yet to be told,
For it’s down the path least traveled I do venture
To search and hopefully find….what life, and destiny, may behold.

( Larry “Dutch” Woller )

That were last Sunday…. and after contemplating I decided to work on my fingernails.. As I have said in the past because of aging, etc I have brittle fingernails… if I venture out in the gardens, etc the nails will break and fingers get damaged… well, after a few years of experimenting and with helping my late wife (and others) deal with cancer and learning about what one needs to do for physical and mental health, I followed Steve Jobs advice..

“Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinion drown your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary” (Steve Jobs )

And with the doctors approval, went with acrylics… here are my nails before….

nails before

With my own little nail salon here at home I can roll my own and here is the after… 🙂

me and nails

Now I can enjoy life in the gardens and other daily activities without worry and the world can look upon my hands and the hands don’t appear to be bloody and beaten… there may be those that will raise a eyebrow in judgment but as Steve and Rose said pay little heed to those other voices, for happiness and love listen to your heart… as Eleanor said “You wouldn’t worry so much about what others think of you if you realize how seldom they do”.. (Eleanor Roosevelt)… 🙂

Well, I had better close for now, maybe some storms here on the path later, will “batten the hatches”… but I shall return again one day, Fate be willin’ and the creeks don’t rise…

Well, Diary, last week here on the path were able to waltz among the tulips.. 🙂


This week, weather permitting, will join the lovers and dreamers on the path and cha-cha among the apple blossoms… 🙂

apple blossoms

It’s cherry pink and apple blossom white
When your true lover comes your way
It’s cherry pink and apple blossom white
The poets say

The story goes that once a cherry tree
Beside an apple tree did grow
And there a boy once met his bride to be
Long long ago

The boy looked into her eyes
It was a sight to enthrall
The breezes joined in their sighs
The blossoms started to fall
And as they gently carressed
The lovers looked up to find
The branches of the two trees
Were intertwined

And that is why the poets always write
If there’s a new moon bright above
It’s cherry pink and apple blossom white
When you’re in love

“A friend may be waiting behind a stranger’s face.” ― (Maya Angelou) on the path least traveled….

Diary of the journey on the path least traveled..just letting the heart do the talking while the fingers do the walking while being different, being me… 🙂


( “I do not do, say or write something to been seen or heard… I do, say or write something because it needed to be done, said or written…” , no nominations please, just sharing thoughts while exploring life 🙂 )


It is a bit of a gloomy Saturday morning… sometimes everyone has a gloomy morning in their lives and nothing to do with the weather… a good time to have a friend perhaps..
“No matter the pain or suffering, it is always better if it’s a burden shared by two, instead of a weight carried by one alone”…

“Portrait of a Friend”

I can’t give solutions to all of life’s problems, doubts,
or fears. But I can listen to you, and together we will
search for answers.

I can’t change your past with all it’s heartache and pain,
nor the future with its untold stories.
But I can be there now when you need me to care.

I can’t keep your feet from stumbling.
I can only offer my hand that you may grasp it and not fall.

Your joys, triumphs, successes, and happiness are not mine;
Yet I can share in your laughter.

Your decisions in life are not mine to make, nor to judge;
I can only support you, encourage you,
and help you when you ask.

I can’t prevent you from falling away from friendship,
from your values, from me.
I can only think of you, talk to you and wait for you.

I can’t give you boundaries which I have determined for you,
But I can give you the room to change, room to grow,
room to be yourself.

I can’t keep your heart from breaking and hurting,
But I can cry with you and help you pick up the pieces
and put them back in place.

I can’t tell you who you are or who you will be
I can only love you and be your friend
(Adam Clarke)

Hello Diary,

Weekend is finally here after a busy week.. in the past have been watching the doves as they attempt to build a home while dealing with the weather… after numerous attempts with the trees, etc, they finally decided the perfect place for their home were on top of my storage cabinet on the deck under the roof… 🙂


One can see the head of the dove and part of the nest inside the pink circle… their love and determination (while working together) found a way and now they have their home.. “A home that is built with patience, understanding and love will withstand the strongest winds of difficulties and conflict , a home built with a closed mind, insincerity and haste will collapse in a mere breeze of discontent.” (Larry “Dutch” Woller )

The apple tree is in full bloom..


Fruit trees cycle every three years and perhaps this year will have some apples… 🙂 inspite of the weather, plants and creatures continue on with their lives while on the path to their destiny.. perhaps world’s society could take some lessons from nature… “I believe that destiny, on a daily basis, puts challenges before me to deal with…how I deal with those challenges will determine what I shall become..” (Larry “Dutch” Woller)..

The lilac bush is finally in full bloom also, much to the delight of the backyard insects..


The going theory is that it is the best time to hunt for wild mushrooms while the lilac bush is in bloom… I purchase my mushrooms at the store, so with the help of my friends

“Don’t walk in front of me… I may not follow
Don’t walk behind me… I may not lead
Walk beside me… and be my friend” ― (Albert Camus )

I use my time outdoors following my dreams, living and learning about life and the universe… and speaking about learning “ I am currently attending the School of Life, learning more about the universe and me and Graduation Day will be the day of my funeral and it is then I will know if I failed or I succeeded and graduated”… (Larry “Dutch” Woller)

Well, I had better close for now… “ I have dreams to follow and maybe be someone’s rainbow”, but I shall return again one day, Fate be willin’ and the creeks don’t rise…

And so, my friend, no matter how dark the skies, listen to your heart, because “The only thing that stands between you and your dream is the will to try and the belief that it is actually possible.” – (Joel Brown)

Gone, dreams of the past
Gone, with a love that moved too fast
Gone, bright shiny days
Gone, in a young and restless haze
Why did we love, then run away
So little time, so much left to say
And now, it’s gone

Young and restless friend
You’ll never pass this way again
So drink the summer wine
Reach for the stars
While you have time
Your restless heart
It will lead the way
So dream your dreams and live for each day
While you are young, while you are young
While you are young