“ I am currently attending the School of Life, learning more about the universe and me… and Graduation Day will be the day of my funeral and it is then I will know if I failed or I succeeded and graduated”… (Larry “Dutch” Woller) on the path least traveled…

Diary of the journey on the path least traveled..just letting the heart do the talking while the fingers do the walking while being different, being me… 🙂


( “I do not do, say or write something to been seen or heard… I do, say or write something because it needed to be done, said or written…” , no nominations please, just sharing thoughts while exploring life 🙂 )

It is a Wednesday morning and, like every morning that I wake up on the green side of the grass, today I choose life… 🙂

“Today I choose life. Every morning when I wake up I can choose joy, happiness, negativity, pain… To feel the freedom that comes from being able to continue to make mistakes and choices – today I choose to feel life, not to deny my humanity but embrace it.” Kevyn Aucoin

Life’s Choices

Life is full of choices
Make sure you pick the right one,
Don’t listen to the voices
Hear only yours and you have won.

Many people will tell you
You need to change your looks,
Don’t take to heart their view
Fabulous bods are found only in books.

There is only one voice
That you should listen to,
It will help make the right choice
That is perfect just for you.

Your looks are your own
Someone will always love you,
You will never be alone
Look in the mirror and you’ll see who.
by Rose

Hello Diary,

The other morning I took a brief break from chasing rainbows and following dreams and as I gazed upon the sunrise..

morn sky 1

I did contemplate and wonder about destiny…. 🙂

A peaceful morning, watching the sun arise
Thoughts abound, while sipping on a spot of tea,
While taking in Nature’s outdoor portrait
Contemplating, on what Fate may have instore for me.

Change is slowly coming, it whispers in the winds
The door is slowly closing on history,
With a new awakening with the mind and spirit
But the future is still shrouded in mystery.

With the freedom of being different, in many ways
No social shackles do this mortal wear,
Do welcome change with open mind and spirit
No fear, no worry or dread do I bear.

Does change and spirit stop at mortal death, one wonders
Or does it go on forever and ever,
Will I ask the same at another time and place
Somewhere past the 12th of Never?

Will thought and spirit continue
When, as in all things, one’s time comes to an end?
Or does all things cease to be when
To the grave, the mortal body, Fate does send.

Alas, but must deal with the present, this very moment
So now will store thoughts and musings yet to be told,
For it’s down the path least traveled I do venture
To search and hopefully find….what life, and destiny, may behold.

( Larry “Dutch” Woller )

That were last Sunday…. and after contemplating I decided to work on my fingernails.. As I have said in the past because of aging, etc I have brittle fingernails… if I venture out in the gardens, etc the nails will break and fingers get damaged… well, after a few years of experimenting and with helping my late wife (and others) deal with cancer and learning about what one needs to do for physical and mental health, I followed Steve Jobs advice..

“Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinion drown your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary” (Steve Jobs )

And with the doctors approval, went with acrylics… here are my nails before….

nails before

With my own little nail salon here at home I can roll my own and here is the after… 🙂

me and nails

Now I can enjoy life in the gardens and other daily activities without worry and the world can look upon my hands and the hands don’t appear to be bloody and beaten… there may be those that will raise a eyebrow in judgment but as Steve and Rose said pay little heed to those other voices, for happiness and love listen to your heart… as Eleanor said “You wouldn’t worry so much about what others think of you if you realize how seldom they do”.. (Eleanor Roosevelt)… 🙂

Well, I had better close for now, maybe some storms here on the path later, will “batten the hatches”… but I shall return again one day, Fate be willin’ and the creeks don’t rise…

Well, Diary, last week here on the path were able to waltz among the tulips.. 🙂


This week, weather permitting, will join the lovers and dreamers on the path and cha-cha among the apple blossoms… 🙂

apple blossoms

It’s cherry pink and apple blossom white
When your true lover comes your way
It’s cherry pink and apple blossom white
The poets say

The story goes that once a cherry tree
Beside an apple tree did grow
And there a boy once met his bride to be
Long long ago

The boy looked into her eyes
It was a sight to enthrall
The breezes joined in their sighs
The blossoms started to fall
And as they gently carressed
The lovers looked up to find
The branches of the two trees
Were intertwined

And that is why the poets always write
If there’s a new moon bright above
It’s cherry pink and apple blossom white
When you’re in love

6 thoughts on ““ I am currently attending the School of Life, learning more about the universe and me… and Graduation Day will be the day of my funeral and it is then I will know if I failed or I succeeded and graduated”… (Larry “Dutch” Woller) on the path least traveled…

    • Thank you for visiting and your kind words!.. 🙂 there are wise messages in everything if one looks for them.. 😉 well, no running here but have the ole stationary bicycle that gets many miles over time and a lot of walking… 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I admire your dedication to caring for your nails. When gardening, I use garden gloves to protect mine. For those tasks, like delicate pruning, I remove one glove. But those days of growing long nails and painting them with my favorite colors are long gone. Too much work!


    • Thank you for visiting!… I wear gloves also when I am outdoors in the gardens and backyard… too much work, you say, what is life without a challenge.. 🙂 as Helen Keller said “Life is either a daring adventure or it is nothing.” 🙂


    • Thank you for visiting and kind words.. all the best in your journey and hope that life is all that you wish for it to be!!.. 🙂 have a wonderful Mothers Day weekend filled with peace, love and happiness…

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