“The only thing that stands between you and your dream is the will to try and the belief that it is actually possible.” ( Joel Brown) on the path least traveled..

Diary of the journey on the path least traveled..just letting the heart do the talking while the fingers do the walking while being different, being me… 🙂 Me 1 copy

( “I do not do, say or write something to been seen or heard… I  do, say or write something because it needed to be done, said or written…” ,  no nominations please, just sharing thoughts while exploring life  🙂 ).. 🙂


“Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird, that cannot fly.” (Langston Hughes )… 🙂

There's a place where I go that no one else knows,
Where mysteries abound and excitement grows.
A place out of reach of any man's hands,
Safely secluded in a far away land

Beyond the grasp of those who may plunder
The wealth of its power and its life changing wonder.
I go alone to my secret place, never leaving a trace
For someone to follow and discover my space

Where I keep my secrets, my fears, and my regrets
Away from the world and all of its threats.
It's mine and mine alone!
The only place I can call my own.

I treasure the moments spent in this realm
Where anything is possible and I'm at the helm.
This place I describe is all that it seems ...
It's a magical place I call my dreams.
                                              (John Raines)

Hello Diary, The past few days have been waking up to stormy skies… “red skies in the morning, sailors warning”… 🙂

Have been dealing with rainy and stormy weather and it is beginning to  feel like living in the land of gators and big snakes… but, “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain”. (Author Unknown)…  🙂

But in spite of life’s “storms”, here on the path we continue to have our dream, a dream of a wonderful world of peace, love and harmony… 🙂


A world where… 🙂

Children could follow their own dream, you see
Not to be denied by another’s ideology,
To follow the destiny of their own choice
Not to be hindered by another’s voice.

Not a world of race, color or gender
Nor closed minded ridicule or prejudice...you see,
But a world that respects another’s dream
And of what or who they wish to be.

One is free to boldly walk the lands, both far and near
To lives one’s life without suffering or fear,
Not to be accepted by belief, gender or race, you see
But by the love, understanding and knowledge of a spirit born free.

Not a world of sorrow or fear
But a world of hope and dreams, not sadness
A world  of eternal love and peace
A world of eternal happiness.

A world of  love that is without end
Through an eternity it will endure,
A love that knows no boundaries 
A love beautiful, caring and pure.
                   (Larry “Dutch” Woller)
Yes, we have a dream, right Abba?… 🙂

Well, “Every morning your have two choices: continue to sleep with your dreams, or wake up and chase them.” (Author Unknown) so I had better close for now and get to chasing… gotta find that elusive rainbow… but I shall return again one day, Fate be willin’ and the creeks don’t rise…  🙂



Hope all YOUR dreams come true and until we meet again.. 🙂

May the love that you give
Always return to you,
That family and friends are many
And always remain true,
May your mind only know peace
No suffering or strife,
May your spirit only know love and happiness
On your journey through life.
     (Larry “Dutch” Woller)

“Every morning I have two choices, either to venture into the light, follow my heart and dreams and live life, or stay in the shadows, the darkness and never know happiness…” (Larry “Dutch” Woller) on the path least traveled…

Diary of the journey on the path least traveled..just letting the heart do the talking while the fingers do the walking while being different, being me… 🙂 Me 1 copy

( “I do not do, say or write something to been seen or heard… I  do, say or write something because it needed to be done, said or written…” ,  no nominations please, just sharing thoughts while exploring life  🙂 ).. 🙂


In this world unraveled, there is always hope… “Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul – and sings the tunes without the words – and never stops at all.” (Emily Dickinson).. 🙂

Hope is a feather floating in a bright blue sky
Hope is that sparkle that shines in your eyes.
Hope is a butterfly fluttering on the wind
Hope is good times spent with family and friends.

Hope is a newborn baby’s cry
Hope is a Mother’s lullaby.
Hope is the rainbow after a rain
Hope is the harvest of golden grain.

Hope is the light that keeps darkness at bay
Hope is the breeze on a hot summer day.
Hope is ever present and free of cost
Hope is the last thing ever lost.

Hope is staying positive when the going gets tough
Hope is seeking help when you feel you’ve had enough.
Hope is recovery from simmering sorrow
Hope is believing in a brighter tomorrow.
                    (Linda Hotger)

Hello Diary,

Yes, even though life has put many challenges before us, the world is struggling to deal with issues and hate, anger and prejudice has raise it’s ugly head at times, here on the path there is indeed hope, especially in the not so secret garden, where flowers bloom spreading hope and love…. 🙂


Like the raspberries loved by the backyard residents.. 🙂
The Hummingbird vine.. 🙂
The clematis…. 🙂
The daylily…. 🙂
And the hosta.. 🙂
Yes, the residents of the garden, plant and animal, are many, different and live together in harmony… 🙂

A Not So Secret Garden

I live in a not so secret garden
Along the path least traveled,
Quite unlike the other world
A world that has become unraveled.

A garden of peace and harmony
Being different does not matter here,
All creatures, big and small, living together
Unlike the other world,  they do not live in fear.

Together we live the hand that Fate has dealt us
Not sure, or dwell, on our final destiny,
But live to enjoy the moment, the hour, the day
That is what life is about, don’t you see.

So into the not so secret garden I will venture
Along the path least traveled, 
To find love, understanding, to follow one’s dreams
Unlike the other  world unraveled.
                       (Larry “Dutch” Woller  )

I feel like waltzing through the flowers, care to join me?… 🙂

Well, had best stop the music and get on with the day… adventures lie in wait for me, looking forward to learning more about me and the universe…  but I shall return again one day, Fate be willin’ and the creeks don’t rise…  🙂



Until we meet again..

May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
The rains fall soft upon your fields
May green be the grass you walk on
May blue be the skies above you
May pure be the joys that surround you
May true be the hearts that love you.
    (Irish Saying)

“And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.” (Abraham Lincoln ) on the path least traveled…

Diary of the journey on the path least traveled..just letting the heart do the talking while the fingers do the walking while being different, being me… 🙂 Me 1 copy

( “I do not do, say or write something to been seen or heard… I  do, say or write something because it needed to be done, said or written…” ,  no nominations please, just sharing thoughts while exploring life  🙂 ).. 🙂


Have been busy this week trying to get outdoor projects taken care of between weather events… one being mowing… 🙂

All the while words of Rose Milligan floated in my mind, sighhhhhhh… 🙂

Dust if you must, but wouldn't it be better 
to paint a picture, or write a letter, 
bake a cake, or plant a seed. 
Ponder the difference between want and need. 

Dust if you must, but there is not much time, 
with rivers to swim and mountains to climb!
Music to hear, and books to read, 
friends to cherish and life to lead. 

Dust if you must, but the world's out there 
with the sun in your eyes, the wind in your hair, 
a flutter of snow, a shower of rain, 
this day will not come round again. 

Dust if you must, but bear in mind, 
old age will come and it's not kind. 
And when you go, and go you must, 
you, yourself, will make more dust! 

                         (Rose Milligan)

Hello Diary,

Yes, been a busy week dealing with life’s challenges, and working in the backyard with my backyard friends keeping a close eye on me making sure I were doing it right… but no matter how busy I were, every morning I were greeted by my backyard friends…  🙂



Another fine morning on the prairie… 🙂 And I would take the time to gaze upon the prairie skies and contemplate how wealthy I am… 🙂

I’m far richer than the rich
Wealthier than the wealthy by far,
I have gold in the sun
I have silver in the star.

I have dreams that I follow
That are more precious than gold,
As I venture through life
Eagerly watching, the dreams unfold.

I have diamonds, too many to count
With each new fallen snow,
As I see each one sparkle
While basking in the suns glow.

The mornings bring nature’s painting
Priceless, a portrait of the sky,
Impossible to duplicate
Even though many did try.

 Each bloom of the red rose
A ruby, one of a kind,
With the bloom of the white rose
A pearl comes to mind.

Money have I little
But wealth I have got,
But  I don’t fit in with
The wealthy and rich lot.

And I’m not going to change
A wealthy dreamer I’ll stay,
Until  the rivers, they all run dry
Until  the four winds, they all blow away.
      (Larry “Dutch” Woller )
“Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird, that cannot fly.” (Langston Hughes)… 🙂

Well, I had better close for now, “Every morning your have two choices: continue to sleep with your dreams, or wake up and chase them.” (Author Unknown) and I had better get to chasing… but I shall return again one day, Fate be  willin’ and the creeks don’t rise… 🙂


Until we meet again..

May the love that you give
Always return to you,
That family and friends are many
And always remain true,
May your mind only know peace
No suffering or strife,
May your spirit only know love and happiness
On your journey through life.
     (Larry “Dutch” Woller)

“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson) on the path least traveled..

Diary of the journey on the path least traveled..just letting the heart do the talking while the fingers do the walking while being different, being me… 🙂 Me 1 copy

( “I do not do, say or write something to been seen or heard… I  do, say or write something because it needed to be done, said or written…” ,  no nominations please, just sharing thoughts while exploring life  🙂 ).. 🙂


Journey of Self Discovery...

What I am
Who I want to be
Am I just a stranger in this dinosaur world,
or my is existence limited to rest ,eat and pee.

Every day is a new day ,
I try to discover myself,
The identity crisis lulls over me,
In calm, yet monstrous glee,
Failing to find what exactly constitutes my being.

One day I want to be a doctor,
Other day an engineer,
Or even a scientist,
The society decides my ambition,
What career to pursue is guided by secure future norms,
They say I have a lunatics mind,
Persuade my mother to put some sense into me.

Enough is said,
I my setting on a journey of my own,
The mistakes I make shall be mine,
The regrets shall be my defined,
Its fall or rise,
Time will play a key role,

As Frost said,
I have an option of two paths ahead of me,
One pre decided by my ancestors,
less risky and challenging,
Other of my own,
I decide to take the less traveled one,
To mark on journey of my own.
                          (Illahi Bedi)
Hello Diary, I gazed up to the skies and saw contrails (jet engine exhaust) made by man’s flying machine.. Many crossing each others path as those on board seeks their destiny, following their dreams (or someone else’s dreams)… 🙂

I believe that each and every one follows their dreams, their path whatever it may be… I too, am following my dreams and know happiness because, unlike many, I chose the path least traveled, which made me different… 🙂

And why do I wish to be different, you may ask,
The freedom to choose, to explore, to learn a lot,
Dictated to by a prophet chained to a myth…. NOT
Maybe so everyone can shout and point at me,
And say, “Hey, he’s different”, don’t you see.

Able to follow my own path...to be me,
Able to  live ….. my own  reality.
And the path least traveled... allowing me,
To gaze upon life’s treasures, large and small
That many others do not, would not see.

My mind is clear and open, gathering knowledge every day
My spirit is young, adventuresome and floating free,
Not confined by those social chains, no box, no mold for me
I am what I am, I am me, what I wish to be,
Perhaps that makes me different, don’t you see.

So my heart’s compass is pointed to the horizon
Sails set full, safe harbor fading in the distance, a faint glow to eye it seems
And with a pocket full of memories, on the horizon are my dreams
So down the path least traveled I will venture, with spirit free
Why the path least traveled?..well, I’m different, don’t you see.
                                  ( Larry “Dutch” Woller )
And because of the path least traveled, as I pass through life, much like the Monarch butterfly… 🙂

And I do so with open mind and heart and each day is an adventure, because I am free… 🙂

The path is calling as I speak, so I shall close for now… and it is down the path I venture, with a pocket full of dreams and a heart filled with memories… but I shall return again one day, Fate be willin’ and the creeks don’t rise.. 🙂


Until we meet again, a toast..

May the love that you give
Always return to you,
That family and friends are many
And always remain true,
May your mind only know peace
No suffering or strife,
May your spirit only know love and happiness
On your journey through life.
     (Larry “Dutch” Woller)

“Confidence is knowing who you are and not changing it a bit because of someone’s version of reality is not your reality.” (Shannon L. Alder) on the path least traveled…

Diary of the journey on the path least traveled..just letting the heart do the talking while the fingers do the walking while being different, being me… 🙂 Me 1 copy

( “I do not do, say or write something to been seen or heard… I  do, say or write something because it needed to be done, said or written…” ,  no nominations please, just sharing thoughts while exploring life  🙂 ).. 🙂


“It is not easy to find happiness within ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.” (Agnes Repplier )… 🙂

Time flies, and memories fade.
People change and new friendships are made.
Only the true remain forever at our side.
Eventually the disappointment and pain will subside.

It is all about the journey and what has yet to come.
Life is what you make of it; you are what you've become.
Life is too short to hold onto regrets.
Forgiveness is key even though you may never forget.

Cherish the good and remove the bad.
Some people don't realize till it's gone what they've had.
Moving on is a way of life.
There will always be obstacles, pain, and strife.

You must believe that you are strong enough to fight.
You have to believe in yourself to do what is right.
Always do for YOU no matter what you do,
Because in the end the only one who has your back is you.

Never be afraid to take a stand,
And always be willing to lend a helping hand.
A little bit goes a long way.
All it takes is a smile to brighten someone's day.

Your chance to live is now, so what are you waiting for?
The world is yours for the taking and so much more.
Endless possibilities are forever at your disposal.
The chance to live another day is life's golden proposal.

Never let anyone tear you down,
And never let anyone steal your shine and make you frown.
So will you sit in the shadows and let darkness win again?
Or will you rise up and make the light your friend?
                                                       (Hollianne Boucher)

“My will shall shape the future. Whether I fail or succeed shall be no man’s doing but my own. I am the force; I can clear any obstacle before me or I can be lost in the maze.. My choice; my responsibility; win or lose, only I hold the key to my destiny”.( Elaine Maxwell)… 🙂

Hello Diary,

June is Pride month… every month should be pride month, every day should be pride day,  because everyone should be proud of  who they are!…  be free to follow their dreams their way, being themselves,  as they venture down life’s highway…. As Steve Jobs said;

“Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinion drown your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary” (Steve Jobs)…  🙂


“Every morning your have two choices: continue to sleep with your dreams, or wake up and chase them.” (Author Unknown)… 🙂

I awoke one morning, alone, in history’s past..
Left with a heart full of memories, a decision to make,
Confronted with two paths to my destiny..
Heart and mind to decide which one to take.

Take the one most traveled, the logical safe choice…
The one chosen by the multitudes..the human race,
Like sheep, following a path determined by another…
No self identity, all bearing the same face.

A most traveled path whose direction is chosen by a few
The rest to follow, ever so blind,
Their destiny not chosen by their own hand
Their fate determined, by a closed mind.

The other path less traveled, mysterious and unknown
Where one can be different, like me I confess,
Without fear of ridicule, bigotry  and hate
A path filled with love... and happiness.

A path less traveled where one can follow ones dreams
An open mind to see what others do not,
To live a life guided by one’s heart
While the other path one cannot.

Decision made, with eyes on the horizon
It’s down the path least traveled I do venture,
Excitement fills the air, a smile on the face
Looking forward to a great adventure.

My fate will be unknown, what lies ahead unsure
I do not know…. what my destiny will be,
But one thing will be certain, written in stone
I shall venture down that path …..being “ME“.
          ( Larry “Dutch” Woller)

And although life has many challenges, I do know happiness because I venture down the path being me… 🙂

And doing it my way… 🙂

I shall close for now, excitement is in the air as I prepare to venture down the path because “I  am what and who I am, venturing down the path of life, following my dreams, chasing rainbows and leaving safe harbor with sails set full, to boldly go where I have not been before”… (Larry “Dutch” Woller), but I shall return again one day, Fate be willin’ and the creeks don’t rise… 🙂


Hope whatever path you choose is filled with peace, love and happiness and until we meet again… 🙂

May flowers always line your path 
and sunshine light your way,
May songbirds serenade your
every step along the way,
May a rainbow run beside you
in a sky that’s always blue,
And may happiness fill your heart
each day your whole life through.
May the sun shine all day long
Everything go right, nothing go wrong
May those you love bring love back to you
And may all the wishes you wish come true
                   (Irish Saying)

“Love is the expansion of two natures in such fashion that each include the other, each is enriched by the other.” (Felix Adler) on the path least traveled…

Diary of the journey on the path least traveled..just letting the heart do the talking while the fingers do the walking while being different, being me… 🙂 Me 1 copy

( “I do not do, say or write something to been seen or heard… I  do, say or write something because it needed to be done, said or written…” ,  no nominations please, just sharing thoughts while exploring life  🙂 ).. 🙂

Nothing says love more than the rose and here on the path the roses are sending fragrances of love, not hate… 🙂


“A single rose can be my garden… a single friend, my world.” (Leo Buscaglia)… 🙂

“The moment you have in your heart this extraordinary thing called love and feel the depth, the delight, the ecstasy of it, you will discover that for you the world is transformed.”. (Jiddu Krishnamurti)… 🙂

“Just because you feel someone does not love you as much as they should, does not mean they don’t give you all the love they have”.. 🙂

Hello Diary,

Yes, Diary, there are no conflict or fear here on the path, just harmony…  🙂


And peace… 🙂

It is down the path least traveled I shall go
To a rainbow filled horizon I  venture,
To seek, to learn, know peace, to enjoy life
A path filled with wonderful adventure.

A place where one is accepted as who they are
A spirit kindled to life, when mortal born,
A being coming from the depths within
And not subject to ridicule and scorn.

A place where I know freedom of thought and being
I am what I am, don’t you see,
Neither this one, neither that one, but all the above
In a mortal world, a free spirit, that’s me.

I do not travel the path alone, you see
There are memories and spirits to behold,
Those that share... the joy and sadness
As I gather more memories, down that least traveled road.

So how long will my journey be, one would ask
Will I see the end of the path...ever?
The answer, I believe, lies on the horizon
Somewhere past... the 12th of Never….

So I shall bring my ramblings to an end
For there is one fact that I do know,
To reach the horizon, the 12th of Never
It’s down the path least traveled I must go!
      ( Larry “Dutch” Woller )
It is a wonderful world indeed, here on the path… 🙂

And I shall close for now… filled with adventure and new memories too numerous to mention…. but I shall return again one day, Fate be willin’ and the creeks don’t rise… 🙂


Hope it is a wonderful world wherever you are and until we meet again… 

May the love that you give
Always return to you,
That family and friends are many
And always remain true,
May your mind only know peace
No suffering or strife,
May your spirit only know love and happiness
On your journey through life.
     (Larry “Dutch” Woller)