“Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow them. “ (Louisa May Alcott ) on the path least traveled….

Diary of the journey on the path least traveled..just letting the heart do the talking while the fingers do the walking while being different, being me… 🙂

Me 1 copy

( “I do not do, say or write something to been seen or heard… I do, say or write something because it needed to be done, said or written…” , no nominations please, just sharing thoughts while exploring life 🙂 )..

Hello Diary…

Taking a brief break from chasing dreams, dealing with life’s challenges and the weather to leave a few thoughts… beginning to feel like living in the Amazon… but we will get through it all by following the heart… 🙂

The one thing I like about summer here on the path, is when I venture out into the gardens of a morning to gather weather data, my friends the birds greet me with their chorus… even though they are different, they all sing in harmony… 🙂

I live in a not so secret garden
Along the path least traveled,
Quite unlike the other world
A world that has become unraveled.

A place where one is accepted as who they are
A spirit kindled to life, when mortal born,
A being coming from the depths within
And not subject to ridicule and scorn.

A place where I know freedom of thought and being
I am what I am, don’t you see,
Neither this one, neither that one, but all the above
In a mortal world, a free spirit, that’s me.

A garden of peace and harmony
Being different does not matter here,
All creatures, big and small, living together
Unlike the other world, they do not live in fear.

Together we live the hand that Fate has dealt us
Not sure, or dwell, on our final destiny,
But live to enjoy the moment, the hour, the day
That is what life is about, don’t you see.

So into the not so secret garden I will venture
Along the path least traveled,
To find love, understanding, to follow one’s dreams
Unlike the other world unraveled.
(Larry “Dutch” Woller )

And here in the gardens on the path least traveled, we always have a eye on the horizon and the rainbow…. 🙂

Well, better close for now and finish the day and contemplate the tomorrows… will return again one day, Fate be willing and the creeks don’t rise… 🙂

Until we meet again…

May the love that you give
Always return to you,
That family and friends are many
And always remain true,
May your mind only know peace
No suffering or strife,
May your spirit only know happiness
On your journey through life.
(Larry “Dutch” Woller)

12 thoughts on ““Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow them. “ (Louisa May Alcott ) on the path least traveled….

    • Thank you for stopping by!… I count near 40 different species at the moment, but soon many will start their journey south and by fall will be quiet for the most part… 🙂

      Hope all is well in your part of the universe and life is all that you wish for it to be!..

      Liked by 1 person

      • No ,we are living in the same world so the scenario is almost same ,covid 19 has slowly and silently crept into our locality.So living in a containment zone and reports of many others are likely to be announced. So you pray for me, my family and the poor people I live with .Take care of yourself .I am pleased to hear from you .Most welcome.🌹👍🙏


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