“I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.”  (Stephen Grellet) on the path least traveled..

Diary of the journey on the path least traveled..just letting the heart do the talking while the fingers do the walking while being different, being me… 🙂 Note; AI is not used here on the path under any circumstances!.. 🙂 Me 1 copy

Hello Diary,

Have a break in the weather so popping in briefly to share a few thoughts… having to deal with the weather, has been humid, stormy.. Fortunately have not had any severe damaging weather like some folks have, mainly wind, rain and thunder but between the weather and changes ongoing on the internet, have not been online as much but are adjusting the sails, getting more adapt to the new “normal”  and hopefully life will improve in the future (though have more severe weather possible for Sunday, 5-26-2024)… I do not use my phone to browse the internet generally, only in emergencies… 🙂

I do apologize to everyone as I haven’t been visiting like I normally do but I do not worry because hopefully I will be able to in the near future because there is always tomorrow… 🙂


And I still light the candle of hope and peace every evening, hope of a world of peace for everyone.. 🙂

As I said, no AI used here and I do not use my phone to venture on the internet generally, but even if I am not able to get online I have my technology to deal with climate change, weather any other issues… the computer on the left is the pc I use online, etc. , the pc on the right is not online but have publisher, etc. and there is a great deal I can do offline to prepare to help make this world a better place, online or offline “Any piece of knowledge I acquire today has a value at this moment exactly proportioned to my skill to deal with it. Tomorrow, when I know more, I will recall that piece of knowledge and use it better. “ (Mark van Doren )…… 🙂

This weekend is suppose to be a holiday weekend here on the prairies called Memorial day, a time of remembrance of  those who sacrificed while in the service of this country.. While I give them some time of thought, I also give thought to those families, friends and loved ones who paid a price in the loss… also of those unfortunate people who woke up one morning to follow their dreams, only to find themselves caught between two opposing ideologies who chose conflict to settle any differences… 🙂

I learned first hand about conflict, which in the end, only sows the seeds of hate to lie dormant and sometime in the future bloom again and history may repeat itself (that is me sitting on the ground), the best way is with pen used with peace and understanding… 🙂



We were volunteers, one and all
So Noble.. Proud.. and Brave,
Did not know the reasons for war
Just a people from tyranny to save!

Glasses held high, we made an toast
Surely that Victory would rule the day!
While back at home, the voices of unrest
Not a kind word for us did they say.

Some could not vote, children were we
Some to young to drink, but still our battle cry,
Even with all that we could not do
For us children, it was to do or die!

Vietnam were a beautiful land
The people were caring and kind,
The children at play, following their dreams
The thoughts of conflict did not to come to mind.

But for us , Vietnam was a hostile land
The dangers of conflict abound,
Whether the paddies of Vietnam or the fields of home,
Seemed for us, not a friend could be found.

But we proudly gave it our all
Faced our destiny, with a hint of fear of tomorrow
Some to return to a mother’s joy
Some to return to a mother’s sorrow.

So should you be looking on today
One more toast, hold your glasses high,
To PEACE, HOPE and LOVE, may they long endure
( Sgt, Larry “Dutch” Woller, 12th Marine Regiment, Vietnam, 1965–1966...)

Well, I had better close for now… prepare for the next round of weather and other life’s challenges..hopefully will be able to visit in the near future, so it is on down the path I venture but I shall return again one day, Fate be willin’ and the creeks don’t rise… 🙂

“May your path be paved with love and happiness, your spirit free and life is all that you wish for it to be as you venture down life’s highway following your dreams” (Larry “Dutch” Woller) and until we meet again… 🙂



Roses are red
Violets are blue,
Thoughts from the heart
I’m sending to you.

Not just another day, my friends
For in spite of time, distance or whatever,
If only in spirit and thought
We’ll be sharing this day together.

So, have a wonderful day, my friends
Wishing you all the best, nothing less,
May today, every day, AND your heart
Be filled…...with love and happiness.
(Larry “Dutch” Woller)

6 thoughts on ““I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.”  (Stephen Grellet) on the path least traveled..

    • Thank you for visiting and kind wishes!!.. so far the worst of the weather storms have stayed away… 🙂

      Hope all is well in your part of the universe and until we meet again..
      May love and laughter light your days,
      and warm your heart and home.
      May peace and plenty bless your world
      with joy that long endures.
      May all life’s passing seasons
      bring the best to you and yours!
      And nothing but happiness
      Come through your door
      May the kindness you spread
      Keep returning to you
      (Irish Saying)

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for stopping by, glad you enjoyed your visit!!.. do enjoy a cup of tea while visiting friends!.. 🙂

      Hope your path is paved with peace and happiness and until we meet again..
      May love and laughter light your days,
      and warm your heart and home.
      May peace and plenty bless your world
      with joy that long endures.
      May all life’s passing seasons
      bring the best to you and yours!
      And nothing but happiness
      Come through your door
      May the kindness you spread
      Keep returning to you
      (Irish Saying)


    • Thank you for stopping by and kind wishes!!.. 🙂

      Hope life is all that you wish for it to be and until we meet again….
      May love and laughter light your days,
      and warm your heart and home.
      May peace and plenty bless your world
      with joy that long endures.
      May all life’s passing seasons
      bring the best to you and yours!
      And nothing but happiness
      Come through your door
      May the kindness you spread
      Keep returning to you
      (Irish Saying)

      Liked by 1 person

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