“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language, and next year’s words await another voice., and to make an end is to make a beginning.” (T.S. Eliot ) on the path least traveled…..

Diary of the journey on the path least traveled..just letting the heart do the talking while the fingers do the walking while being different, being me… 🙂

Me 1 copy

( “I do not do, say or write something to been seen or heard… I  do, say or write something because it needed to be done, said or written…” ,  no nominations please, just sharing thoughts while exploring life  🙂 ).. 🙂

Hello Diary,

Been busy but thought I would stop by and share a few thoughts… yes, time is moving on and change is in the winds..  normal is in a state of change. yesterday is becoming a memory and tomorrow is still a mystery… my backyard friends and I have been busy preparing for the tomorrow’s and helping those who could use someone to be there for them… couldn’t be there in person but can help the folks in other ways, especially in Florida, etc.….  🙂

While getting my affairs in order, ventured outdoors to help my backyard friends, worked on the ground feeder preparing for winter…. 🙂

Mr. Squirrel was so busy getting ready for winter he had to stop and rest for a bit… 🙂

While the spiders were preparing for hibernation, I almost walked into this spider web at the corner of the house (center of the picture near the top), it were about 4 feet square .. 🙂

At the moment taking a tea break….  🙂

I set here with my tea
And watch the leaves a fallin’
It’s becoming clear that one day 
Jack Frost will come a callin’

Most of my bird friends have went south
In the southern warmth they’ll stay
But I’ll not shed a tear in sorrow
For they’ll be back again some day

All us creatures that are staying behind
To deal with the cold and snow
Are getting our house in order
And waiting for winter’s blow

The squirrels are gathering leaves and such
To insulate their winters nest
The possum is checking every nook and cranny
To find a place for his winters rest

The bee’s are picking up the pace
Gathering nectar with the morning sun
Storing winter food for the hive
Before their work on earth is done

A spider spinning it’s web of silk
I watched as it grew and grew
Soon to become natures work of art
With tomorrow’s early morning dew

This poem could go on and on and on 
But alas, I have things to do
For, like it or not, don’t you see
I need to get ready for winter too.
    (Larry “Dutch” Woller)

And this is the last rose of summer, but love will go on… 🙂

Well, tea is done and life and the path is calling… but I shall return again one day, Fate be willin’ and the creeks don’t rise…  🙂

Hope your path in life is paved with love and happiness and until we meet again… 🙂

May the love that you give
Always return to you,
That family and friends are many
And always remain true,
May your mind only know peace
No suffering or strife,
May your heart only know love and happiness
On your journey through life.
     (Larry “Dutch” Woller)

21 thoughts on ““For last year’s words belong to last year’s language, and next year’s words await another voice., and to make an end is to make a beginning.” (T.S. Eliot ) on the path least traveled…..

    • Thank you for visiting and kind words!!.. 🙂

      Hope you have a wonderful day every day and until we meet again…
      May your day be touched
      by a bit of Irish luck,
      Brightened by a song
      in your heart,
      And warmed by the smiles
      of people you love.
      (Irish Saying)

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for visiting!!.. sometimes one needs to briefly stop the world and reboot…. 🙂

      Hope your path of life is paved with love and happiness and until we meet again….
      May your day be touched
      by a bit of Irish luck,
      Brightened by a song
      in your heart,
      And warmed by the smiles
      of people you love.
      (Irish Saying)

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Happy preparations, Dutch! However well we may prepare for the changing seasons, we can never be certain of what Mother Nature has in store for us. While we face an ongoing drought and dwindling water supplies in California, our brothers and sisters hit by Hurricane Ian in Florida are facing devastation and loss. May they get all the help that they need to rebuild their lives.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for visiting and kind words!!.. hopefully everyone will help another, no matter were on this planet, not only with the aftermath but the prevention…. 🙂

      Hope all is well and until we meet again..
      May your day be touched
      by a bit of Irish luck,
      Brightened by a song
      in your heart,
      And warmed by the smiles
      of people you love.
      (Irish Saying)


    • Thank you for visiting and kind words!!.. 🙂

      Hope your path in life is paved with love and until we meet again..;..
      May flowers always line your path
      and sunshine light your way,
      May songbirds serenade your
      every step along the way,
      May a rainbow run beside you
      in a sky that’s always blue,
      And may happiness fill your heart
      each day your whole life through.
      (Irish Saying)


    • Thank you for visiting and kind words!!.. 🙂

      Hope your road of life is paved with happiness and until we meet again….
      May love and laughter light your days,
      and warm your heart and home.
      May good and faithful friends be yours,
      wherever you may roam.
      May peace and plenty bless your world
      with joy that long endures.
      May all life’s passing seasons
      bring the best to you and yours!
      (Irish Saying)

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for sharing!!.. believe that change is the normal… 🙂

      Until we meet again..
      May your day be touched
      by a bit of Irish luck,
      Brightened by a song
      in your heart,
      And warmed by the smiles
      of people you love.
      (Irish Saying)

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I think that that is your best poem since I started following your blog posts. Everybody gets a line or two in it, with even a mention of Jack Frost. We have Jack here in England and when I was a child we all knew that he was the one who painted the icy patterns on the inside of our bedroom windows.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for visiting and kind words!.. had a hint of Jack Frost last week but still a bit early and warm for him to stay for awhile…. 🙂

      Until we meet again….
      May your troubles be less
      Your blessings be more
      And nothing but happiness
      Come through your door
      (Irish Saying)

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for stopping by!!. little Bree is gone now and believe the squirrels miss her as much as I do… 🙂

      Until we meet again..
      May the sun shine all day long
      Everything go right, nothing go wrong
      May those you love bring love back to you
      And may all the wishes you wish come true
      (Irish Saying)

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I walked into a spider web yesterday. Thankfully, I stopped and backed up before doing too much damage and the large banana spider was still on the web and not in my hair. Thank you, Larry for caring about your backyard friends and sharing your loving thoughts.


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